Whether you’re just starting out with a Shopify store or you already have a successful business, there are many Shopify apps that make it easy to hack your growth by selling more products, learning more about your customers, and getting them to come back for more.

Apps for Shopify That Will Help You Make More Money
Apps for Shopify That Will Help You Make More Money

All of the Shopify apps below can be found in the Shopify App Store. They’re all easy to use, so you don’t need any technical skills to use them.

See how a few simple tips and tricks can help your shop make more sales and more money.

They also have free trials and are good investments if you want to grow your business in a way that will last.

Bold Upsell

“Would you like to make that order even bigger?

“The classic way of upselling at your local fast-food restaurant is also a key part of sales.

This doesn’t just happen at McDonald’s. Many businesses try to sell you more things when you check out, like an upgrade to your hotel room, a case for your new laptop, or picks and petals for your new electric guitar.

Bold Upsell adds live upselling to your Shopify store, giving customers the chance to buy more items as they check out. It’s easy for business owners to customise and set what item is shown based on what’s being added to the cart. This has been shown to increase conversions by 22%.

Also, 30% of customers are known to buy things on impulse or add things to their carts at the last minute.

Product Upsell has a free trial for the first 14 days. After that, the app costs between $9.99 and $59.99, depending on the size of the shop.


The Dropified App is the next one. It is an automation tool that turns long, manual tasks into ones that run on their own.

This app is for people who want to grow their business but simply don’t have enough time.

How it works is as follows:

Store owners can add a product to their store in as little as 10 seconds, fill an order in up to 20 seconds, and find items with ePacket without making any extra clicks.

It is known that people who use the app save 20 hours a week, which is 80 hours a month.

Think about all the things you could do with that extra time!

When these tasks are done by hand and Dropified isn’t used, people are known to spend hours and hours on annoying tasks that take time away from more important things like strategy and marketing.

Automation is the best way to start saving time and grow your business. Dropified has a free trial that anyone can use to help them see that this is a crucial step to running a successful business.

Exit Offers

No one likes to feel alone, and shop owners are no exception.

Exit Offers helps stop people from leaving your shop without buying anything by giving them a customizable offer as they leave.

It’s simple and works well. When a visitor’s mouse cursor moves over the “X” button, the app shows a pop-up with a special offer, like a discount code, free shipping, or better customer service.

You can also easily do A/B tests to see which offers work best, and the app gives you great analytics to show how Exit Offers is helping you make more money.

Even the numbers don’t lie…

In one test, these exit pop-ups led to 1,375% more email sign-ups than other opt-in forms. Exit Offers comes with a free trial for two weeks and costs $9.99 a month after that.

Back In Stock

Imagine you want to buy a picture frame from a Shopify store. When you go to check out, you see the message “Out of Stock.”

How many people, in your opinion, actually write down that they need to go back to the shop to see if it’s back in stock?

Most likely, the answer is not many.

Installing Back in Stock, an app that collects email addresses and sends “Buy Now!” emails to people automatically, will keep your competitors at bay and make your customers happy.

” button when an item is available again.

Aside from this unique way to interact with customers, the app also shows trends about which products are selling out faster than others. This helps you figure out how to restock faster and keep things from selling out too quickly.

The app can be set up in less than 30 seconds, is easy and powerful to customise, comes with a free 30-day trial, and costs only $19 per month after that.

You won’t get rich overnight, but there are some smart things that anyone can do that can lead to exponential growth in e-commerce. Here’s where to start to see how your shop can start to do well.

Live chat on Olark

Get rid of the FAQs and bring on the live chats!

Customers often have questions about the product they want to buy, but they can’t find the answers easily or don’t want to email customer service.

People want service right away, both in person and online.

Live chat apps are a great way for an e-commerce business to help customers feel like they are talking to a real person on the web. This makes it easier to work with and sell your product. Also, quickly answering customer questions lowers the number of people who leave the site and helps keep sales from being lost.

Chatting live with customers not only adds a human touch to online shopping, but also lets store owners get to know their customers and improve their products and checkout experience over time.

Olark can be changed to fit your needs and can keep track of where the customer is and how they heard about your shop.

Still not completely sure?

Research shows that 24% of customers have used live chat, and of those, almost 75% were happy with it. Olark has a 14-day free trial and a standard plan that includes 20 free chats a month.


Customer reviews are a great way to build trust in a product, which is another powerful way to boost sales.

Yotpo is a marketing tool for user-generated content that makes it easy for customers to review your products and post them right on your Shopify store.

Also, 63% more people are likely to buy something from a shop if it has good reviews, and the app makes it easy to share reviews on social media and encourages customers to write their own.

How does it work?

Yotpo sends an email to customers a few weeks after they buy something, asking them to rate and review the item they bought.

To make it even easier, customers can write a review right in the email, and it will be added to the product page automatically. Whether you’re ready or not, these five apps can have a big impact on your business by making it easier to check out, selling more products, and getting to know your customers better.

Investing in one of these apps, if not all of them, will help your shop grow in huge ways.