Most dropshippers get their products from AliExpress. AliExpress is similar to Amazon, so it wasn’t really made for dropshipping. It was instead made for online shopping.
AliExpress used to be aimed at consumers, but things changed and now many businesses use the site to find products.
Because of this, a lot of companies, like Oberlo and Spocket, made tools for dropship suppliers. Most of the things these companies sell come from AliExpress. Only a few people who sell on Oberlo or Spocket don’t also sell on AliExpress.
AliExpress made its own dropship supplier tool to deal with this. The name of the place was AliExpress Dropshipping Center. It is a website that lets you look for products in the same way that Oberlo and Spocket do.
Today, I’m going to tell you in detail what it is. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to decide whether or not you want to switch from the product tool you’re using now to this one.

What is the Dropshipping Center on AliExpress?
The AliExpress Dropshipping Center is a website with two main functions:
- Look for things to sell.
- Look at how well a product works.
Now, just so you know. The dropshipping center is not a supplier plug-in for dropshipping. It is an independent website that shows how well products that dropshippers can sell on AliExpress are doing.
The problem with the main AliExpress site is that it sells things online. On AliExpress, there are a lot of sellers who don’t dropship. If you are a dropshipper, you would spend hours just looking for things to sell.
To use AliExpress, you must:
- Use the search bar or the category to find what you’re looking for.
- Write down each thing you want.
- Open each item to see if the supplier ships to the countries you want to sell to.
- Check how each item is rated by customers.
- Check how much shipping will cost and how long it will take.
In the AliExpress Dropshipping Center, you don’t have to do all of these things. The tool was made to get information from the AliExpress website for retailers. But it only pulls up products that can be dropped shipped.
So, it works about the same as Oberlo or Spocket. You can’t put this tool on a Shopify or WooCommerce store, though. You need to connect this tool to another plug-in, and DSers and ShopMaster are your only options.
Features of AliExpress Dropshipping Center
Now, let’s look at what you can do with this tool. In this section, I’ll show you each feature and explain how it works.
Your dashboard is the first thing you’ll see when you log in. This area shows a few important things about your business.
These things:
- Payment Amount: This is the total amount of money you used to pay for your orders.
- Paid Orders: This is the total number of orders you have placed, even if you haven’t paid for them yet.
- Paid Products: are ones that you have already paid for. The supplier will do something with these goods.
- Products That Are Ready To Ship: are things you’ve already bought but haven’t yet been sent. The products are now ready to ship, and your customer will get them soon.
You can save money in the AliExpress Dropshipping Center as your business grows. The discount depends on how much you pay to be a member. There is no way to buy it.
The system has four levels, and everyone who joins starts at the Normal Level. There is no discount for this level. You will move up to a higher level as you get more orders.
Here are the levels, the amount of money you need to spend, and the discount:
- Normal: 6% off if you spend less than $1,000.
- Level C: 2% off when you spend $1,000.
- Level B: 4% off when you spend $2,000
- Level A: 6% off if you spend $5,000.
The money that’s shown on the list above is the money you used to buy things. The AliExpress system keeps track of everything you buy, so when you reach the minimum amount you can send, the system will automatically raise your level.
Note that this system can’t be played. If you canceled or refunded your order, the cost will not be counted toward your levels.
When you reach a certain level, the discount will be applied to your purchases automatically. The system doesn’t make it clear if the discount is for all sellers or if it’s different for each seller.
AliExpress said that sellers can change their own discount rates if they want to, so it looks like this is just for each seller.
Product Searching by Country
You can use the tool to find things based on where they are. When you click on the tab on the left that says “Find Products,” you’ll see a product dashboard like the one below.
As you can see, you can pick products based on where they come from. As a dropshipper, this will help you choose products that will ship faster than if they came from China. Say you want to send something to Ukraine. It makes sense that you want products that come from Russia because they will get to you faster.
Using “ships to” to find items.
You can also search for items based on where they ship. If you only want to ship to the UK, just choose that country and the system will only show you products that can be sent there.
This is wonderful. You will have a hard time finding this on AliExpress. You have to open each item to see if the seller ships to the country you want. You can even use this tool to look for items that come from a certain country and ship to a certain country.
Search by Image
If you want to sell something but don’t know what it’s called, you can search for it by uploading a picture. Just click on the tab that says “Search by Image,” and you’ll go to a new page. From there, click the button that says “Upload Image.”
I tried it out to make sure it works. I uploaded a picture of a scooter and got this in return.
The picture that was uploaded is the one that is circled above, and the results are the pictures of scooters below.
Numbers about a product
When you look for a product, you will see a screen with several columns, like the one below:
With these numbers, you can see how many times the product has been ordered, how it is rated, and how its sales compare to those of other products.
There is a link that says “Analyze” to the right of each product. If you click this link, you’ll go to this page.
This graph shows a trend in sales. But the numbers don’t really show how many sales were made. It is instead a list of numbers from 0 to 100. As the index score goes up, it shows that more people want to buy the product.
You can also look for products on the AliExpress website and then use this tool to analyze them. To do this, go to AliExpress and copy the first part of the link, as shown below:
Then, copy and paste that into the Product URL box on the Product Analysis page, and click analyze.
You will see the same numbers that we have already looked at.
Advertised Products
There’s a section right next to the tab for searching by image. If you click this, you’ll see ads for products that were paid for by the companies that made them. This area is mostly empty right now because most of the sellers aren’t spending much time or money on advertising. As the number of people who use this tool grows, it will have more content.
So far, these are the only things the tool has to offer. Let me go over each benefit to help you understand them:
- You’ll save time because you won’t have to look at each item to see if the seller ships to your country.
- Analyze the products You can look at the sales index trend to analyze the products, not the total sales.
- You can save money because you don’t have to buy another tool to search for products, look at them, or even buy them.
The only bad thing about this tool is that you can’t set it up in your store. You have to connect it to something else, like Dsers or ShopMaster.
You can still use Oberlo even if you don’t want to use Dsers and ShopMaster. After all, Oberlo is an add-on that you can put on your Google Chrome browser.
If this is the way you want to go, you need to open the product you found in the AliExpress Dropshipping Center, then open Chrome, and then use the Oberlo app to add it to your store.
Who is the AliExpress Dropshipping Center for?
The tool was made with dropshippers in mind. In general, you should only use this tool if you sell products online.
The tool should be used if:
- You are a dropshipper, and most of the products you sell come from AliExpress.
- You run an online store and want to stock items that won’t break the bank.
- You already use Spocket and Oberlo, but you want something free to use.
- You want a better tool for analyzing products, one that gets data from the back end of AliExpress instead of the front end.
As you can see, the main purpose of the tool is to help you:
- Accuracy Of Data: the numbers you see here come from the accounts of suppliers.
- Ease Of Use: The tool makes it easy to find products because you can look at how well they are selling.
Since AliExpress made the tool, the AliExpress Dropshipping Center works with the same systems as the main AliExpress website.
Most tools like Spocket and Oberlo only “scrape” information from the front end. This means that they are robots that can only see what you see, but they collect data so you can search more easily.
If you decide to switch from Spocket to the AliExpress Dropshipping Center, you need to know that you can’t connect this to your store. Syncing the AliExpress Dropshipping Center with either:
- DSers
- Shopmaster
These are the tools that, once added to your store, work like Oberlo and Spocket. You can also use the AliDropship plug-in, which costs $89 for a one-time fee.
If you choose the AliDropship plug-in, you will have to search for the product in that tool before you can add it to your store. The syncing does not happen automatically. Use the DSers app, which is the official dropship plug-in of the AliExpress Dropshipping Center, if you want to get things done faster.
How much does it cost to use the AliExpress Dropshipping Center?
There is no cost to use the Dropshipping Center. Signing up for an account and agreeing to the terms and conditions is all you need to do.
You don’t have to upgrade like you do with Oberlo and Spocket to use all of its features. In the AliExpress Center, you can even check your personal AliExpress account to see what you’ve bought and sold.
Yes, these two accounts have been put into one. This means that all of the things you buy for yourself on AliExpress will show up in the “Orders” tab of your account.
Questions People Usually Ask
How do I make a profile?
Just go there and register to make an account. If you already have an AliExpress account, your login information is the same. You don’t need to create a new account unless you want to keep your personal and business purchases separate.
Is this really free, or do I need to upgrade?
It’s completely free. To use the tool, you don’t have to pay anything. You have to pay $89 for the AliDropship plug-in if you want to use this with it, but the AliExpress Dropshipping Center is free.
If it’s free, why is there a link that says “Rules to Upgrade?”?
This change is for your type of account. It has nothing to do with how well the tool works. Instead, the amount of discount you get from the suppliers will depend on your level. How you can get the upgrade depends on how much you have spent on AliExpress. When your total orders reach $5,000, you’ll get a 6% discount on all of them.
Can I put this on my Shopify and WooCommerce stores?
No, this can’t be put on any store. If you want to add products from AliExpress Dropshipping Center to your store, you need to connect this app to Dsers or ShopMaster. These are both dropshipping plugins that you can add to your online store.

Summary of AliExpress Dropshipping Center
The center is a great tool, and AliExpress is the one who made it. The company recently got into the dropshipping business after realizing that it could also make money by giving dropshippers more value.
You can even add an AliExpress plug-in to your website today, and you can do this with both Shopify and WooCommerce. You can find products on AliExpress without using other tools like Oberlo, Spocket, or SaleHoo. AliDropship is the name of this plug-in.
Just remember that the Dropshipping Center is a different way to look for wine products. But it’s not a dropshipping tool. It won’t work with your store. You can still order things from this, but you can’t bring the things you want to your store. AliDropship is what you need to help you do that.