It’s a common misconception that you need a website to launch a dropshipping enterprise.

Despite the fact that many successful dropshippers run online shops, this is by no means the only way to sell products. If you’re looking for the approach that helps you the most, you can find many others.

This article will list the various alternatives to traditional dropshipping that exist. We will also address some of the most frequently asked questions regarding dropshipping without using a service like Shopify or WooCommerce.

Learn the ins and outs, pros and cons, and more about dropshipping without a website by reading on.

Okay, let’s jump right in.

Can You Dropship Without a Website?

It’s perfectly possible, of course. As a business strategy, drop shipping doesn’t explicitly require a website. However, we cannot argue against the merits of dropshipping via online stores.

Keep in mind that websites aren’t the only medium at your disposal.

Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest may be better known as social media sites, but they also offer excellent advertising spaces on which you can promote your goods and services.

In addition, since you won’t be keeping any stock, you can pick and choose among various distribution channels as you see fit.

What Are the Benefits of Dropshipping Without a Website? 

There are some advantages to not having a website, surprisingly enough. You will be able to launch products faster, save money, and easily move between platforms.

The first advantage is less money spent on developing and maintaining the site.

There is no shortage of free websites, but it usually costs money to create a secure and functional online store. Plus, you may need to pay a subscription fee each month to keep it running smoothly.

Moreover, you won’t have to stress over the look of the website. You don’t have to put in a lot of effort into the shop’s front end; instead, you can just throw up some product listings whenever you’re ready.

Finally, if you find that a particular platform isn’t meeting your needs, you can simply try something else. If you aren’t making enough money with one platform, you can easily try another one.

How to Dropship Without a Website?

You should now be confident that you don’t need a website to launch a dropshipping business.

This section will discuss the three approaches to dropshipping that do not require a website:

Sites Like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest
We included everything you’d need to know to make an informed choice.


Facebook ranks high on the list of the most widely used social media sites. Although it started out as a platform for simple online communication, it has since grown to become a powerful e-commerce hub as well.

You can market and sell your wares on Facebook in a variety of inventive ways.

Facebook Shops

Facebook Shops were launched during the height of the pandemic to aid struggling small businesses.

With Facebook Shops, we set out to give users the convenience of online shopping without ever having to leave the Facebook interface.

Facebook Stores are available on both Facebook and Instagram, and they cost you nothing to use. Select the items you’d like to sell and you’re ready to go.

Like a website, but without the hassle of actually making one. These can be found in a variety of places, including articles and a company’s Facebook page.

Still, you’ll need to do some serious marketing if you want to attract a steady customer base.

Facebook Marketplace

Market was introduced in 2016 as a new platform for people to buy and sell goods on Facebook. Many dropshippers will be relieved to learn that it is also costless.

Before Facebook launched Marketplace, users could only sell items in private Facebook groups to their friends and family. Market Place has made it possible for consumers to gain access to previously inaccessible markets and goods.

Here, sellers showcase their wares by uploading photos and detailed descriptions. Inquiries from potential buyers about our wares can be made easily via text message.

Still, there are some drawbacks to using Marketplace. The first is that Facebook allows users to pick their own location. If you’re trying to sell something in a sparsely populated area, you might not see a lot of sales.

The fact that there could be a lot of other people competing against you is another potential drawback.

Don’t fret; all you need to do is research your market carefully and create a truly original offering.

Business Page

If you’re not interested in participating in Marketplace’s competitive environment, you can always set up your own company page and sell your wares there instead.

More people will see your product ads, and it will help you build a recognizable brand.

Facebook Ads also allow business pages to extend the reach of their posts to a wider audience for a fee.

In addition, setting up a page for a company is a breeze. After making the necessary adjustments, you can simply create a new Facebook page and save your changes.

A business page is even more appealing because it is well-designed for both mobile and desktop viewing. So there’s no need to worry about developing two variants.

However, it won’t always be possible to communicate with your ideal clients. For your page to gain traction and attract more followers, you’ll need to have people like it.

But if you employ efficient methods of promotion, you can reach your goals rapidly.


For those who don’t know, Facebook owns Instagram, which means the two services are very similar.

Some shops have taken to using their Instagram accounts, which they have designated as “business accounts,” in place of traditional e-commerce websites. They simply list their wares and prices in an imaginative manner on their website.

Having built up a sizeable following, these businesses can now promote their products and services via Instagram Shoutouts.

Instagram Stores is yet another choice.

Those with Instagram accounts for their businesses can now set up stores to sell their wares. Due to the fact that they mimic the look of a website so well, customers often mistake these stores for the real thing.

It’s easy and costless to open a store on Instagram. There is a full-screen storefront there, so companies can introduce themselves to customers in a memorable way.

The convenience of an all-in-one shop is not lost on the customer base. A customer can buy something from an Instagram shop and then complete the purchase without leaving the app by using the checkout feature.

Since all business is conducted through Instagram, transaction fees are inevitable. As a result, this is not the best platform to use if you’re trying to cut costs.

But the fees may become insignificant after a certain number of product sales have been made. Considering how helpful it is to not have a website, this is a negligible cost.


Never discount Pinterest’s influence, as the saying goes. Numerous dropshippers have attained growth in clientele and sales largely as a result of traffic to their sites.

Pins can be enhanced with descriptions and links to provide additional information to customers.

Paid advertisements and natural placements are both viable options for promoting a business on Pinterest.

Naturally, the simpler way is to use promoted pins, which are paid advertisements. Your pins will begin to appear in feeds and search results once you’ve won the auction or bid on the advertisements.

Start by signing up for a free Pinterest business account so you can make a Promoted Pin. You can then select the ads tab and begin making an ad.

From that vantage point, you can zero in on a specific region, audience segment, device type, or type of customer based on their habits. You can now pick and choose which pins to advertise.

Only promote pins that are actually useful to your audience if you want to maintain credibility.

woman having coffee while using laptop

Organic Placements

Those on a tighter budget may want to consider going the organic impressions route. Be reliable and committed if you want to succeed.

You should start by making boards that feature your product. Don’t be shy about repinning useful pins from other users in your niche. Make sure they aren’t using your competitors’ services though.

Second, maintain regular schedules of product-focused pinning. Include details, links, and a clear call to action to buy the product.

With perseverance, you’ll gradually gain followers and pinners.

How to Process Dropshipping Orders Without a Website?

You should know that a website streamlines the process of taking and keeping tabs on customer orders. The website can also be used to automate the process of placing orders with vendors.

Although it is possible to automate the dropshipping order processing, it is still possible to do so manually using a spreadsheet or other system.

When receiving orders, you should manually encode them and check that they match what the customers have requested. Avoid accidents by always doing a double check.

Verify that you have the necessary information, such as the item number, quantity, email, name, phone number, and shipping address. These aren’t the only considerations when it comes to dropshipping, but they’re among the most important ones.

You can delegate the rest of the work to your suppliers once you’ve encoded and sorted all the orders.

Make sure to update your customers on their orders regularly. It’s important to be up front, so tell them when they can expect their orders to arrive.

Do You Need a Business License to Dropship Without a Website?

For lack of a better term, no. Selling on social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook does not require a special permit. However, being licensed allows you to gain access to vendors and establishes your credibility.

Some vendors will only do business with licensed establishments. This is their defense mechanism against fraudsters and difficult clients.

Having a license demonstrates to customers that you are operating legally, which can increase your sales. You won’t have any trouble later on when dealing with things the government is responsible for, like paying taxes.


How to Scale a Dropshipping Business? 

Drop shipping businesses can expand in a few distinct ways. Automatic and outsourced procedures, financial investment in customer service, and cost cutting are all examples.

In order to expand, a dropshipping company can take advantage of automation and outsourcing, which can speed up many of the business’s processes. If you can speed up these procedures, you can get your products to customers more quickly.

One of the best ways to grow a company is to put money into customer service. Providing outstanding service to customers is a surefire way to keep them as loyal patrons. Because of this, we can safely assume that 70% of customers will gladly recommend a company with excellent customer service.

And finally, when you cut costs, you have more money to invest in expanding your business.

Saving money in one area can be redirected to fund growth in another, such as customer service, website upkeep, or product packaging.

How Long Does It Take to Grow a Dropshipping Business? 

What you put into expanding your business is the primary factor in determining your answer. But the time frame is often between 6 and 12 months.

Many variables are at play at this time. Factors like product and packaging quality, market share, emerging trends, and market value are just a few.

It is possible to expand your business if you work hard to make it better while keeping an eye on both your finances and your clientele.

Closing Thoughts

The fact that the vast majority of dropshippers have their own website is not a prerequisite for starting your own. If you’re looking for a reliable platform to launch your dropshipping business, there are others available.

As each of these options offers its own set of benefits and drawbacks, it is ultimately up to you to decide which one is the best fit.