You’ve come to the right place if you want to move your domain to Shopify. In this guide, we’ll show you how to change your domain’s nameservers from another domain provider to Shopify. We’ll also tell you how to make the whole process as easy and stress-free as possible. Let’s get started!

How To Move A Domain To Shopify The Complete Guide 1
How To Move A Domain To Shopify The Complete Guide

How to Move a Domain to a Shopify Store: The Basics

Using the Shopify ecommerce platform to start an online store is an exciting step for any entrepreneur. If your domain name is already registered with another hosting company, don’t worry. Moving it to Shopify is easy and won’t cause you any trouble. The first step is to make sure you have full access to your current domain name account and to update your payment account information with the new information about your purchase.

Once payment is processed and accepted, you’ll need to add information to your Shopify store’s DNS settings. After that, you’ll need to delete your old DNS zone file so that your existing domain name only points to Shopify’s name servers. Even though this might sound complicated, it can take up to 48 hours for a domain to fully transfer over because of propagation times. Don’t worry if not everything changes right away. Once it’s done, you’ll be able to easily manage your store and the domain name that goes with it from one place.

Why should you move your domain to Shopify?

Transferring your domain to Shopify has many benefits, such as making your website run better and making it safer.

Improved how well a website works

You can get the most out of your website’s performance if you move your domain to Shopify. With features like caching, which speeds up load times, and a content delivery network (CDN), which speeds up load times even more, a Shopify domain makes your website run more smoothly. That means that people won’t have to wait around while pages load. They can quickly and easily get where they want to go.

Also, Shopify optimizes images automatically, giving you smoother images with smaller file sizes than ever before. Making it possible to transfer more of your assets without slowing down the browsing experience. With powerful APIs, post and page-level customization, and full support from the development team, transferring your domain will make sure that you and any visitors to your site have a smooth experience. In short, investing in a transfer is one of the most important things you can do to make sure your website works better in every way.

Safety has gotten better

Shopify is a great place to store and manage your domain if you’re looking for a safe place to do so. By moving your domain to Shopify, you can use their top-of-the-line security measures to protect your website from malware and other online attacks. Unlike other hosting platforms, whose security is often not up to par, Shopify is committed to making sure that every website they host is safe from digital threats.

Shopify uses advanced technology like Content Security Policy (CSP) and Domain Name System (DNS) Firewall to create a strong network perimeter between your business and cybercriminals. With this added layer of security, you can be sure that the information you store in your domain is always safe.

Sales went up

Transferring your domain to Shopify can also help you make more sales. Shopify is a trusted platform that is used by some of the biggest brands in the world. This can make customers more likely to buy from your store. Shopify also has powerful tools for marketing and SEO that can help you get the word out about your products and reach more customers.

Simple to Use

Shopify makes it easy to sign up for a domain name and move it to its platform. With the domains tool, you can quickly search for and buy domains related to your brand or product without having to use a third-party domain provider or platform.

Once the domain is transferred, you can easily connect it to your existing Shopify store with one-click connection technology. With your new domain name, it’s so easy to set up a custom email address that you can do it in minutes. Transferring your domain to Shopify makes sure that everything goes smoothly from the start. You have full control over your domain’s settings, and you don’t have to pay extra or deal with the stress of managing a separate registrar system.

Spend less

It’s important to make sure that your business runs as cheaply as possible, and that includes managing your domain. When it comes to saving money, transferring your domain to Shopify can make all the difference. You will pay less to host your domain provider account, and Shopify will give you other incentives like discounts on its products.

When you use Shopify’s services, you also get access to simplified tools for managing custom domains. These tools make transferring and setting up domains faster and easier. Because of this, moving your domain to Shopify is a great idea because it will save you both time and money. It also has dedicated customer service, so if you have any questions or concerns during the transition process, you will always be helped. Shopify is a great choice for businesses that want to save money and set up their domains quickly.

How to Move Your Domain to Shopify: A Step-by-Step Guide

Getting a domain to work with Shopify is easy. All you have to do is follow these simple steps:

Go to Your Shopify Admin and sign in.

First, go to your Shopify admin and sign in. Add /admin to the end of your shop’s URL to do this. For example, if the URL of your shop is, you would go to to log in. On the admin page, you can change everything about your store.

Go to the page called “Domains”

After logging in, click the “Domains” link on the left sidebar. This will take you to the Domains page, where you can control the domains for your shop. Remember that this page will only show up if you have a Shopify plan that includes domain names.

Click the “Add Domain” button.

On the Domains page, you’ll see a button that says “Add Domain.” You can start adding a new domain to your shop by clicking this button. After clicking “Transfer Domain,” the next step is to type in the domain name you want to transfer. The domain name should look like “” with no spaces or special characters.

Type in your website’s name.

When asked, enter the domain name you want to transfer to Shopify and choose your current registrar from the drop-down menu. WHOIS lets you find out who your registrar or domain provider is if you don’t know. This information is usually included in the emails you get when you buy something or renew it.

Check Who Owns a Domain

The next step is to prove that you own your domain. You can do this by entering a verification code that your registrar gives you or by changing the DNS settings for your domain. After you’ve done this, you’ll have to wait for Shopify to finish the transfer. This can take up to 5 days, depending on your registrar.

Transfer the Domain Name

Shopify will send you an email once the domain transfer is done to let you know that your domain has been moved successfully. You can now use your new domain on your shop and use other features like custom email addresses, URL analytics, and connecting your store to other services. You did a great job moving your domain to Shopify, so congrats!

By moving your domain to Shopify, you can save money, make it easier to set up, and make it easier to manage all of the domains for your online store. Also, the process is so simple that almost anyone can do it with little work.

When moving your domain to Shopify, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Getting your domain to work with Shopify is easy, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Here’s what you need to keep in mind:

  • The process of transferring can take up to seven days. This depends on the registrar you are moving from, so make sure to plan ahead in case there are any delays.
  • When you move your domain name to Shopify, you’ll need to renew it. Most domains need to be renewed every year, so make sure you have enough money set aside.
  • Some registrars may charge an extra fee to move a domain away from their service. Before you start the transfer process, check with your domain provider to see if there are any fees you need to pay that are only for transfers.
  • You may need to add more nameservers if you are moving more than one domain from Shopify to your email account. This can be done in your Shopify admin on the “Domains” page.
  • Before you can move your domain to Shopify, you’ll need to unlock it with your current registrar. This is a security measure that makes it impossible for someone else to move your domain without your permission.
  • Finally, make sure to keep track of all the changes that happen during the transfer process. This will help make sure that everything goes well and that your business has no downtime.

With these tips in mind, you should be ready to move your domain to Shopify. Follow the steps above to transfer your domain without any trouble and enjoy all the benefits of having a domain on Shopify.



You can get many benefits from moving your domain to Shopify. You will have more security and protection, be able to sell more, and save money. Also, the process of transferring a domain name is simple and easy to do with their platform.

Follow the steps above to move your domain to Shopify in a smooth way. With this helpful guide and Shopify’s features, you can get the most out of transferring your domain and start enjoying all of its benefits right away. Good luck!