One of the best things that can happen to a person is to be able to work from home. It takes away the stress of working in a corporate environment, as well as the trouble of getting to and from work, getting ready for work, buying new clothes, and so much more.

But how do you even begin?

The first thing you should do is think about what skills you already have. You will definitely find work online and make close to or as much as your office salary. It depends on what you can offer, but you should know that between 2005 and 2017, 1.8 million Americans quit their jobs to work from home.

This shows that it works and that it is possible to make a living from home. You can also do it. Today, you’ll learn about the best jobs you can do from home in 2023.

The Easiest And Most Flexible Work From Home Jobs For 2023
The Easiest And Most Flexible Work From Home Jobs For 2023

Virtual Assistant

As many people think, a virtual assistant, or VA, is not a secretary. As an assistant, your job is to help the business owner do things that he or she can no longer do. Most of these things are paperwork and office work, which are important but not as important as what business owners do.

What do VAs do?

Some of the things that VAs do for their employers or clients are listed below:

  • Setting up meetings
  • Preparing paperwork
  • Documentation
  • Business management like order fulfillment
  • Getting back to emails and questions from customers
  • Conference calls are written down.
  • Bookkeeping
  • Putting things on a schedule

Others may have to do with running a business, like simple social media marketing, uploading products, researching new products, writing product documentation, and a lot more.

What can you do to make money?

You can charge anywhere from $5 to $35 per hour, depending on how hard the job is. If you can find a client who is willing to pay you $10 per hour, you are making more than someone who works at a fast food restaurant. If you make $10 per hour, your monthly pay is about $1,760.

Writing on Your Own

You don’t have to write books if you want to do freelance writing. The world needs a lot of different kinds of writing, and you can write for one or more of them.

You can charge by the hour or by the number of words you write. Just keep in mind that as a freelance writer, you are usually called a “ghostwriter,” and you don’t own the rights to the things you write.

How do freelance writers make a living?

Here are the different things you can write to make money:

  • Copywriting
  • eBooks of fiction
  • eBooks with no stories
  • Blogs
  • Academic papers
  • The white papers
  • Product descriptions
  • How-to articles and how-to guides
  • Articles like Wiki
  • Book, movie, and game reviews

You can start out as a freelance writer in three different ways:

  • Use online marketplaces to sell your services.
  • Make a website and tell people about your services.
  • Use job forums, job boards, and sites like LinkedIn to look for writing jobs.

What can you do to make money?

The most common rate for people just starting out is between $0.01 and $0.03 per word. If you can write 5,000 words per day and get paid $0.03 per word, you could make up to $3,300 per month. Pro writers make more than this because each article they write costs at least $100.

Marketing for affiliates

Affiliate marketing is a way to promote the products of a company. The products can be real or online. You will get a commission if you make a sale.

To get started, you have to sign up for the affiliate program of a company. You will get a link once your registration is approved. Here is the link to the product you will be selling. If someone clicks on this link and makes a purchase, you’ll get a commission.

How do affiliate marketers make a living?

Affiliate marketers only do one thing, which is to promote the products of their partners. But there are many ways to do this.

  • Make Videos And Put Them On YouTube. These videos can be tutorials or reviews of the products you’re selling.
  • Write Reviews Of Products or how-to guides and post them on your blog.
  • Go To Forums And Answer People’s Questions; help them solve their problems and offer your product as a solution.
  • Advertise In Multiple Places: and make ads and landing pages that lead to the company’s purchase page.

What can you do to make money?

This question has no clear answer. Commissions can be anywhere from 4% to 50%. Some commissions are only paid once, while others can be paid over and over again. Affiliate marketers are out there who make $5,000 a month.

Voiceover Artist

Voiceover artists are the people whose voices you hear in movies, radio, and TV ads. The recording of these people reading a script is what is used in these commercials.

You can be a voiceover artist if you can read a script and bring it to life with your voice. You only need a microphone, a quiet place, a way to record, and a way to edit the sound.

What do people who do voiceovers do?

Voice-over artists only have one job, which is to read a script. But it is important that we tell you what kind of scripts these are and what they are used for.

These things:

  • Ads that online business owners would use for their companies
  • Short tutorials that show how to do something step by step
  • Story-reading for books that will become audio books
  • Children’s learning materials, such as reciting or reading words with the correct pronunciation
  • Different sounds, like animal sounds, car sounds, etc., that will be used in shows.

What can you do to make money?

At least $10 per 100 words is what voice-over artists charge. Once the recording is done, you have to give your client the WAV or MP3 audio file. There are places online where you can find voiceover artists who have hundreds of clients every month.

Online Coach or Tutor

As an online tutor, it is your job to help students who are having trouble with a subject get better at it. But most of the tutoring jobs available today are for kids who don’t speak English. These are the kids of rich people, and their parents want them to learn the language.

There are also adults who need tutoring and college students who can afford it and want to do well in their classes and have the money to do so. No matter what it is, you can only teach things you know a lot about. You can also help people improve themselves or help businesses.

What do coaches and tutors do?

Here are some of the things tutors do to help their students or clients succeed:

  • Create lesson plans
  • Run the tutorial—each session should take about an hour
  • Make tests and quizzes to see how much the student has learned.
  • Give advice or counsel
  • If the student is a businessperson, do an analysis.
  • Provide recommendations to fix problems

What can you do to make money?

You can charge at least $25 per hour as a tutor. Even more, experts can charge between $50 and $100 per hour. It all depends on what you’re teaching and who you’re teaching it to.

Graphic Arts

As a graphic artist, it will be your job to make infographics, posters, and website hero banners. You can also edit photos for people.

People who do business online, like influencers and bloggers, are the people you want to work with. Corporate clients who need a steady stream of graphic art for each blog they post is another group you can go after.

How do graphic artists make things?

Graphic artists have a lot of work to do. A graphic artist made almost every picture, cartoon, drawing, and photo that you see on the internet.

To give you an idea of what you can offer, here are some examples:

  • Make cards for your business
  • Posters, flyers, banners, menus, and infographics
  • Caricatures and comics
  • 3D drawings
  • Advertising materials need art.
  • T-shirt style
  • Pictures from comic books
  • Changing a photo
  • Making cartoon portraits from photos

What can you do to make money?

This really varies because it’s hard to say how much art costs. How much you charge will depend on what kind of art you make. Some artists charge at least $40 for a single piece of art, while others charge hundreds.

It’s important to know how long a job will take you to finish. If you do, you have to figure out how much you can charge for the hours of work you put in. If you are happy with $20 per hour and the artwork will take you five hours, charge $100 for that project.

Video Editing

Animation services are not the same as video editing. When you edit a video, you don’t make the video. The client gives you the video clips, and your job is to cut them or add things to them, like sounds.

To edit a video, you have to work hard and use high-tech tools. As a video editor, you need to spend money on a powerful computer and software that lets you edit videos. For both of these tools, you may need to spend about $500.

What do video editors do?

Movies, ads, tutorials, and other things use videos that have been changed.

Here are some examples of things you should do:

  • Delete the parts of the video that the client doesn’t like.
  • Make sure that the sound matches up with what the person is saying.
  • The video needs music.
  • Add overlays like titles, calls to action, and call outs to the video.

What can you do to make money?

You have to charge by the hour or by the project, just like the graphic designer. How much you charge depends on how hard the job of editing a video is. You can charge at least $30 to edit a simple video and at least $100 to add a lot of effects.

Video Animator

As a video animator, it’s not just your job to edit the video. You also have to make the whole thing. You will make the whole video by yourself. Most of these are used for commercials and come in different lengths.

What do video animators do?

Here are some examples of what you can do as a video animator:

  • Comic strips
  • Whiteboard videos
  • Explainer videos
  • Commercials that make people feel something
  • 3D effects for the beginning and end
  • Animation with Stickman
  • Logo animation

What can you do to make money?

You can charge $10 for a simple animation that you can make with software and templates. You can charge up to $400 per project for longer, more complicated videos, like 3D videos or stories.

Web Design

Building the website yourself is part of web design. As a designer, you have to be both an architect and a builder. You will be in charge of the website’s look, how it works, the back-end code, and how it is programmed.

What do web designers do?

Here are some of the things you do as a web designer:

  • Put together landing pages.
  • Make a plan for UX or UI
  • Make banners for the web
  • Make templates that can be used in platforms for building websites.

What can you do to make money?

Web designers can make anywhere from $10 to $1,000 per project. Don’t expect to get paid a lot of money for making a simple one-page website. If you want to make a lot of money, you need to make a unique website that looks great and works well.

Build online shops.

There are two ways to do this. The first is to make you an online store where you can sell things. The second one is to help clients build online stores.

We’ll focus on the second one. People who want to start an online business but don’t know how to build a store are your target market as a web builder.

What do people who build online stores do?

If you build an online store, it has to work perfectly before you give it to your customers.

Here’s what you’re expected to do:

  • Build a store on the platform that your client likes best.
  • Add apps and plug-ins that your client needs to do certain things.
  • Add things to the store.
  • Set up the store’s payment method.
  • Put in the domain name, and it will work.
  • Check to see if the site is safe.

What can you do to make money?

You can charge as little as $49 for the build if you use platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce. To get this price, though, you don’t have to do much. You can charge up to $500 per project for a huge, completely unique store.


This is something that has to do with writing. Editing and proofreading are more about the technical side of writing. Writing is more about the creative side. As a proofreader, it’s your job to make sure that what’s written is up to print standards.

What do online proofreaders do?

  • As a proofreader, you have to do the following:
  • Check for and fix grammar and spelling mistakes
  • Change the words or sentences as you see fit.
  • Make sure the writing style follows APA or Chicago standards.
  • Make sure the content hasn’t been copied or taken from another source.
  • Make sure the sources are cited correctly.

What can you do to make money?

How much you charge depends on how many words you write. How much you can charge is also based on the kind of work you do.

Proofreading jobs where all you do is check grammar and spelling pay less than editing services that cover everything. You can charge anywhere from $10 to $500 per project as a proofreader.

Marketing Manager

As a marketing manager, don’t think that your only job is to make and post promotional materials. Your job is to make money for your clients. That’s it. Digital marketing is a broad field, so you need to choose a niche.

This can include search engine optimization (SEO), Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, ads, Pinterest, and a lot more. Your promise to your clients is basically that you will help them make more sales. You can’t promise this, but you do need to show results.

What do marketing managers do?

Here’s what marketing managers have to do:

  • Ad creatives come to mind.
  • Work with animators and graphic designers to make the idea for the ad come to life.
  • Plan the release of the ads and who they will be aimed at.
  • Find out how well the campaign worked.
  • If the campaign isn’t getting good results, make changes.
  • Look at sales and the rate of conversion

What can you do to make money?

Marketers for the Internet charge by the hour. You can charge at least $25 per hour, depending on how skilled you are and what kind of service you are giving. Most likely, your client will only hire you for a single project. You can charge $1,000 or more per project in this case.


Dropshipping is a way to run a business in which you sell products that belong to someone else. Here, you have to build your own store and do your own advertising.

How do drop shippers make money?

As a dropshipper, you are an entrepreneur. But you do not make the things you are selling. We call this a case of arbitrage. When a customer orders something from your website, you buy the item from the supplier.

Here’s what you do as a dropshipper:

  • Find providers
  • Make a shop.
  • Put your goods on the Internet
  • Sell your things.
  • Carry out the orders
  • Answer questions from customers
  • Issue refunds

What can you do to make money?

Dropshippers can make as much as $1,000 a month. Some successful dropshippers made it possible to make $300,000 in less than three months. How much money you make here is up to how hard you work.

Miscellaneous Offers

A miscellaneous offer is one that doesn’t fit into any of the other types of online work from home jobs. Some examples are taking pictures of yourself and being a model, but there are many more.

What can you do for people?

Here are some ideas for different things you could offer:

  • Sing a personalized “Happy Birthday” song.
  • Hold up a client’s sign and take a picture of yourself.
  • Be a model for a shirt or something else
  • Offer astrology or healing from the spirit world
  • Impersonate a person

What can you do to make money?

This kind of gig doesn’t cost much, but if you get a lot of customers, you can make a lot of money. Right now, people want personalized messages, and you can charge at least $10 for each gig.

Virtual Contact Center

With a virtual contact center, you will answer customer questions by phone. Some clients run small businesses, and it wouldn’t make financial sense to build a facility for them. So, they would rather hire people who can do the job from home.

What do people who work in customer service do?

Customer service reps have a lot of different tasks to do. Some don’t have to talk to customers at all. Instead, they do work in the back office.

As a customer service rep, you will need to do the following:

  • Answer questions from customers
  • Deal with refunds
  • Help find technical answers to problems
  • Change customer information in the database
  • Call customers to make sales.

What can you do to make money?

People who work in a call center or contact center get paid by the hour. If you have a full-time job and work from home, you could make up to $20 per hour.


When you transcribe, you write something down from an audio file. Lawyers and doctors are the ones who need this service the most. They have audio recordings that they want you to type up.

As a transcriber, you might also get jobs to write down the audio from a video or to make subtitles for movies. Some clients may also ask you to help them with translation.

What do people who do transcription do?

A transcriptionist’s main job is to turn sounds into written words. So, you need a good pair of headphones and a computer with a word processor.

Here are some of the things you’ll have to do:

  • Change what you hear into words
  • You can write down what you hear on podcasts or in interviews.
  • Make subtitles for films or short videos.
  • Change a foreign language into English.
  • Transcribe medical and legal audio files

What can you do to make money?

How much you pay for a transcription service depends on how long the audio is. $10 for every 10 minutes of audio is the most common rate. If the transcription requires translation, you can double your price. You can also ask for more money if the audio or video file has more than two speakers.

Data Entry

Data gathering is a big part of a data entry job. Most of your clients would be people who want to market to a large number of people. Some of the clients already have the information in PDF format, and they want you to put it into a spreadsheet.

Your work will result in a spreadsheet with many columns. But some clients have tools for CRM. They will let you use these tools so you can put information into them.

What do you do as a data entry specialist?

The main thing you have to do is type correct information. Some of the time, you have to do your own research.

  • As a data entry specialist, you need to do the following:
  • Type in customers’ names, addresses, phone numbers, and other information about them.
  • Look for information about a certain group of people, like dentists in Chicago.
  • Move information from a PDF or Microsoft Word document to a spreadsheet or a client tool.

What can you do to make money?

We can call a job like entering data into a computer a “commodity job.” It means that it’s easy enough that many people can do it. For this kind of work, you can charge $5 per hour. This is a job that works best for people who don’t need a full-time job but would like to do it on the side.


Dropserving is like dropshipping. The main difference is that you are selling services instead of a merchant’s products.

Dropserving is the same as dropshipping in that you do the same things. The only difference is that you’re doing something for them. Here, you can build a website where you can sell different services. When you get an order, you hire a freelance service provider to do the work.

How does dropserving work?

Since it’s not you doing the work, you can offer any kind of service you want. What you really need to do is find customers.

Here are some services you could provide:

  • SEO
  • Writing
  • Book Covers
  • The visual arts
  • Voiceover

You can pretty much give us almost everything on our list. You can get a long list of services from Dropserving. As long as you can find a freelancer, you give the work to that freelancer. The money you charge on top of what you pay the freelancer is your profit.

What can you do to make money?

Since you are adding a premium to the freelancer’s price, there is no limit to how much you can charge. If a writer charges $10 an hour, you can charge $20 or $30 for the same service.

Air BnB Rental

You can rent out a spare room through AirBnB if you have one. It’s the same as turning your home into a small hotel.

To do this, you must sign up for an AirBnB account. Once you’ve set up your account, you’ll need to upload photos of the room you’re renting out, as well as information about the amenities, the price, and any rules you have (like no pets allowed).

How does AirBnB work?

The next step after listing your room is to market it. You can share it on social media or just wait for tourists to see it.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Use social media to market
  • If there is an event in your area, try to get the word out as much as possible.

What can you do to make money?

This is hard to say. You decide how much your room costs. Every booking on AirBnB costs at least 3%. If you want to list the room for a long time and it costs a lot, you can pay $349 a year for a plan that will save you money on fees.

Social Media Manager

As a social media manager, your job is to post content on your client’s social media channels and respond to their followers. Your job is to increase the number of followers, so the client can market to them later.

What do social media managers do?

Some people in charge of social media do ads, but the most common things you’ll do are:

  • Upload content
  • Answer the comments
  • Take care of customer problems
  • Put up inspiring content
  • Follow them.
  • Watch over groups and online forums

What can you do to make money?

You can charge anywhere from $5 to $30 per hour as a full-time social media manager. How much you charge depends on the type of work you do. You can charge more if you can show your client that your management skills will lead to great results.

Sell Online

You don’t have to make a website here. You will instead use sites like eBay, Amazon, and Etsy. Also, the products you sell will be your own, which is different from dropshipping, where the supplier makes the products you sell.

What do you do if you sell things online?

Here are your tasks if you use this model to work from home:

  • Make or buy your own goods and keep them in stock.
  • Put them on the platform you like.
  • Push the products hard in the market.
  • Accept orders and carry them out
  • Print labels for shipping and send the items.
  • Take care of customer refunds and complaints

What can you do to make money?

People who do this have made a lot of money. Your income is based on how much you sell. You need to be good at marketing and sell things that people want. The other way to do it is to make a unique, customized product and sell it to a specific group of people.



There are a lot of jobs you can do from home. You can put your services up for sale on online marketplaces or apply for jobs on job boards. No matter what you do, make sure you have a portfolio to show. If you don’t have a portfolio, your clients won’t have a “proof of concept” for what you do.

If you want to do something but don’t know where to start, you can take online courses to get the help you need. Follow the steps in the course and work hard, and you’ll be successful and make a good salary.