Game-Changing There are a lot of dropshipping guides and testimonials on the internet. They tell you in detail what to do and how to do it to be successful with dropshipping.

But dropshipping forums are becoming a more popular way for most dropshippers to learn and talk with each other. What gives? Is it really worth it to join a dropship forum?

Below, we look at some of the best dropshipping forums to see if they are worth joining.


You should know about these forums

SaleHoo Forum

SaleHoo is a paid platform that puts dropshippers in touch with dropshipping suppliers that have been checked out. It also has a large forum where dropshippers and suppliers can talk about a wide range of topics.

Salehoo Forum
The information on the SaleHoo dropshippers forum is easy to find because it is well-organized. There are also places where dropshippers can do the following:

Post requests for suppliers
Read reviews of suppliers and find out who might be trying to scam you.
Check out special deals on items from trusted sellers.
Having said that, this is a forum for members only. To get full access to the forum’s helpful discussions and resources, you need a SaleHoo subscription.

A membership costs $67 for a year, or you can pay $127 to be a member for life.

New and Improved Dropshipping Discussion Boards

Shopify Community

Shopify is a platform that is used by more than a million online stores, including dropshipping stores. It is used by people in over 175 countries and is popular because it is cheap and easy to use.

The Shopify Community is a place where people who sell online can talk to each other. It has more than a million posts and more than 850,000 users. If you want a forum that is active and full of useful information, this one is a good choice.

Community of Shopify
On the Shopify Community wall, there are many threads, but the “Wholesale and Dropshipping” thread is the most popular. Dropshippers who use it:

How-to questions can be asked and answered.
Tell each other about your suppliers.
Talk to the registered suppliers and logistics companies in the community.
The Shopify App is probably one of the easiest to use platforms on the market.

Still, this platform would be a great way to learn more about Shopify dropshipping apps or trends that could help you run your Shopify store better.

The owners of Shopify stores can go straight to this forum. But you could still sign up and get access if you are new or if your store is on a different platform. Registration is free of charge.

Wholesale Forum

Wholesale Forum is a global meeting place for wholesalers, retailers, resellers, and other businesses to share ideas. It’s free to join, and it only takes a few minutes to set up an account.

“Wholesale and Dropshipping” is the main topic of conversation on this forum. It has a lot of different conversations. They cover everything from the basics of dropshipping to more complicated topics like legal contracts, taxes, and more.

Wholesale Forum
But you can also learn a lot from other conversations, such as:

Safe Trading is a discussion with helpful tips and links about how to trade safely.
General Business: Tips on how to market online, set up and run e-commerce sites, grow a business, and more.
Wholesale and Dropship Suppliers is a helpful website with suggestions for wholesalers and suppliers for a variety of products.
The content on Wholesale Forum is also well-chosen, which is a plus. Moderators delete offensive comments or conversations that don’t make sense. This makes the platform less crowded and better to look around on.

BigCommerce Community Forum

BigCommerce is a piece of software that allows online businesses to be hosted. It competes with platforms like Shopify, but it has a wider range of online shops to choose from. Only a small part of that comes from dropshippers.

Still, you can talk about dropshipping with other dropshippers in the BigCommerce Community forum. The only catch is that you can only join the community if you own a BigCommerce store.

Forum for the BigCommerce community
In terms of content, there aren’t as many interactions in the BigCommerce Community, but the ones that are there are very helpful.

For example, if you just set up your dropshipping store, you can ask other people in the community to review it. Those who do can give you advice on how to get better.

You can ask questions, make suggestions, and join conversations, just like you can in any other community. Make sure to be polite and stay on topic when you join in. If you break the rules of the community too often, you could be kicked out.

Dropship Forum

No one needs to explain what the Dropship Forum is. It is a place where dropshippers and suppliers who want to sell their goods through dropshipping can meet.

The way the platform is set up is easy to understand and friendly. You won’t get lost trying to find a simple dropshipping tip on this forum.

Dropship Forum registration is free and open to everyone, even dropshippers from other countries. There is also a welcome page where you can say who you are, find out the rules, and review the basics of dropshipping if you are new to the business.

One unique thing about this forum is that sellers can ask other sellers what they think about certain dropshippers. This is unusual because most platforms only give dropshippers information about suppliers.

This platform stands out because it also has a fun social section. It’s most like a break room at work, where people can talk about sports, jokes, and other light topics. It keeps spam out of the formal dropshipping chats.

The Supplier Central

The Supplier Central forum is a free-for-all where almost anything business-related can be talked about. Even though this may be inconvenient, there are some good things about it:

The dropshipping business model is not a stand-alone thing. You could become a better business owner if you knew more about business in general.
As a dropshipper, you have access to a lot of information and suppliers that you would have to pay for on other platforms.
The Central Supplier
It’s easy to sign up, and you can even do it through Facebook. When you join, you have full access to discussions and can take part in them.

There are conversations about dropshipping in the “eCommerce, Trade, Retail, and Business Discussions” p. If you want to find dropship suppliers, you should look in other parts of the forum, like the marketplace.

UK Business Forums

Everyone knows what dropshipping is. It’s the same whether you’re in Australia or the United States. Still, there are different laws in different places.

So, the rules for dropshipping can be different from one country to the next. Because of this, the UK Business Forum is so important if you dropship in the UK.

It’s true that this is a general forum where business owners talk about things like taxes and technology. But it has a lot of posts about dropshipping in the UK and e-commerce in general.

Membership is free, but you have to live in the UK to join. You would also have to say why you want to be a part of the group. Once you log in, you can search for “dropshipping,” and the search results will show you all the relevant discussions.

Warrior Forum

The Warrior Forum is a place where people can talk about business. It might be a good place for you if:

Would like to take part in a variety of business talks
Would like to know about new developments and trends in the dropshipping world.
The business forums are separated into different categories, which makes it easy to find what you’re looking for. Dropshipping will fall under eCommerce in this case.

The Warrior Forum
The discussions move along quickly and range from questions from members to articles. Still, you can just click on the things that interest you and take part in them.

Signing up is easy, doesn’t cost anything, and gives you access to places like the Warrior Forum marketplace.


Reddit is better than most other forums. It is a huge site that had about 1.7 billion site visits as of May 2022. So, if you want a place where people talk and share different points of view, this is it.

Start by making a Reddit account if you want to be able to fully participate (if you do not have one). Then you can choose whether you want to use the Reddit app or stay with the browser version. Either one works.

When you’re ready, you can type “dropship” into the search bar, and you’re done! It will go straight to the dropship forum on Reddit. You can join the community to make it easier for you to use.

Reddit is a casual platform that isn’t as formal as some of the other ones on this list. Even so, the questions and answers are very helpful and often have a bit of humor.

Here, too, you can take advantage of the large number of people and ask for feedback on your site. Some of the criticisms may be helpful and some may be controversial. The key is to take what is helpful and leave the rest.

The Fastlane Forum

A special mention goes to the Fastlane Forum. It doesn’t just talk about dropshipping, but there are a few conversations about it that are worth reading.

Especially the “Gold” and “Hot Topic” discussions can be very helpful. Some of them talk about how to handle dropshipping tasks like marketing, while others talk about how people have done well with dropshipping.

Anyone can sign up for free, but your application will be looked at first.

FAQs on Dropshipping Forums

Is It Safe to Join Dropshipping Forums?

There is always some risk when you join a public forum on the Internet. Not everyone in the group has good intentions.

Still, you can take steps to keep your profile, your information, and yourself safe. Among these steps are:

Make sure your profile password is strong. If you have trouble coming up with a password, you can use a password generator.
During forum discussions, don’t share too much personal information. Information like your address or how much money your dropshipping store makes could lead to trouble.
If you want to use forum features like “critique my site,” make sure the privacy and security settings are the best they can be. Vulnerabilities can be taken advantage of by people who have bad intentions.
Be careful about links sent to your inbox that you didn’t ask for or that you don’t know who sent them. Online forums are a common place for phishing to happen.

Are Dropshipping Forums Worth Joining?

Most dropshipping guides will tell you that keeping up with what your competitors are doing is always a good idea. It’s also a good idea to keep up with new ideas or trends that could help your business.

Forums about dropshipping are a great way to get all of this information at once. You can learn new things and find out what to avoid from what other dropshippers have done.

The best thing about these forums is that most of them are free. What are you risking?

Can I Market My Dropship Store on Dropshipping Forums?

Best case, no.

In fact, marketing your store is a reason to get kicked off of sites like The Fastlane Forum. So, unless asked directly, it’s best not to try to promote anything unless you’re told to.

When it comes to being kicked out, it’s best to read and think about the rules of a dropshipping forum before you join. Rules are often a good way to figure out if a forum is right for you or not.

Final Thoughts

Almost every type of business you can think of has some kind of forum where people can talk to each other. The saying “iron sharpens iron” explains why. Your peers and competitors are the only ones who can give you advice that is more useful, useful, and applicable.