Successful dropshippers understand the value of differentiation. Given the prevalence of similar offerings from rival businesses, it would be a mistake to dilute what makes their product stand out.

In many cases, this takes the shape of individualized or tailored packaging from the dropshipper. Veteran dropshippers believe it crucial, but many in the industry still don’t fully grasp its impact on consumer happiness.

Everything you need to know, including frequently asked questions, will be covered in this guide to specialized packaging.

This article will help you get started with specialty packaging by answering many of the questions you may have.

All right, let’s get to work.

What Is Special Packaging?

First, it’s important to know what what is meant by “special packaging” when referring to dropshipping.

Special, or custom, packaging is made specifically for a company’s product and logo. It’s not merely the standard packaging the supplier uses for dropshipping.

Some businesses spend a lot of time and money coming up with the best way to package their products. It is important to them that the packaging is a snug fit and adequately safeguards the product within.

However, there are businesses that place greater emphasis on outward appearances like logos, patterns, forms, photographs, and colors.

But whatever the case may be, unique packaging is a great method for businesses to both safeguard their wares and attract more customers.

Why You Need Special Packaging for Dropshipping 

Personalized packaging may not be necessary for every business, but it can help you stand out from the crowd if that’s your goal.

Reasons to go the additional mile include attracting new customers, enhancing brand recognition, and providing a memorable experience for existing ones.

These will be elaborated upon in the next paragraphs.

Brand Awareness

In order to increase client recognition of your brand, it is helpful to employ unique packaging that draws attention to your company’s strengths.

One purpose of branded packaging is to boost brand awareness. Customers will be able to recognize and choose your brand from among the competition thanks to the distinctive packaging.

Over forty percent of customers will share their goods if the packaging stands out positively. The amount of free advertising you’ll receive from doing so should encourage you to use more sophisticated packaging.

Unique Customer Experience

Product packaging is largely responsible for the meteoric rise in views of unpacking videos. Since companies have started spending so much time and money on their packaging, consumers increasingly view the unboxing process as part of the fun.

Many viewers of unboxing videos ended up going out and purchasing the item seen in the video.

As a result, remember that the packaging you use is a vital component of the overall experience you give your customers. If they have a good time, it will be much easier to get them to buy from you again.

Customer Attraction

Most people in the United States make purchasing decisions based on packaging. The same may be said of the clients that buy from dropshippers again and again.

Why? The reason is that they have to take the product out of its packaging before they can even examine it.

The value of a product decreases significantly if its packaging is boring and easy to forget. It’s just not aesthetically pleasing. If they find superior packaging elsewhere, they can just go with that.

You need an appealing “front door” for your brand if you want people to come in.

How to Get Custom Packaging for Dropshipping 

For the aforementioned reasons, you have likely decided to purchase dropshipping-specific packaging. The only problem now is getting going.

You can either identify a vendor who provides this service independently, or you can team up with an existing business to get the job done.

Below, we’ll delve more into these possibilities.

Guide to Dropshipping and Custom Packaging reveals All

Look for Suppliers with Custom Packaging Services

Finding a supplier who also provides bespoke packaging for your dropshipping business is the simplest way to acquire this service.

After receiving an order, the vendor can immediately begin processing and shipping the goods. Because of this, you may rest assured that your goods has been packed precisely as you specified, even if you are unable to see it before shipping.

Coordinate Between Suppliers

Selecting a third-party packaging business to make your unique packaging and then having it transported to your vendors is another choice.

It’s possible to arrange for deliveries at mutually convenient times by communicating with multiple vendors.

To save turnaround time, have your goods providers store the boxes before orders are placed.

How to Design Custom Packaging

Creating unique containers is easier than you think. People take their time to come up with the best design possible, despite the fact that the procedure itself is quite quick.

What needs to be done is as follows:

First, decide on the best form of packaging.
Choosing the Layering Materials
Third, plan out each individual layer’s design.
Here we are at Step 4, where we take a look at the big picture and assess the design.
Choosing the right kind of packaging is the first step.

You’ll need to make choices like whether you want a box, a plastic bag, or any other form of packing made of paper or plastic. Branding as a whole and the tastes of the intended audience are just two factors to think about at this stage.

Now that that’s out of the way, we can go on to the subsequent levels. In most cases, there are two layers of packaging for a product. Boxes and plastic bags serve as the outside layer, while packing peanuts and other fillers serve as the inner layer.

You can’t just pick and choose which layers you like; they must all contribute to the brand as a whole. Think carefully about the experience you want to share and the message you want to send.

Guide to Dropshipping and Custom Packaging reveals All 1

Now that you know what goes into each package, you can start conceptualizing a plan to bring everything together. Think about where you want your logo to go and what colors you want each layer to be.

See to it that they all fit in with your brand’s vibe.

When you’re done, get feedback from industry professionals or paying consumers. What is effective should be maintained, while less successful elements should be reworked.

The finished product will be unique packaging that sets you apart from the competition.

FAQs on Dropshipping and Special Packaging

How to Get Custom Packaging on AliExpress? 

There are two options for getting personalized packaging on AliExpress:

You can look for service providers on
Get in touch with a dropshipping company that specializes in private labels.
Collaborate with a dropshipping agent.
There are benefits and drawbacks to all three of these options. Let’s begin by identifying a vendor on AliExpress who currently provides this option. Using the search terms “custom packaging” to locate potential vendors is the quickest method.

One could be found instantly if you’re lucky. However, this may take some time for some individuals.

As an alternative, you might work with a dropshipping supplier who specializes in private labeling. A dropshipping provider takes care of everything for you, from logistics to production.

The last viable option is to employ the services of a dropshipping agency. If you’re trying to decide between a dropshipping agency and a supplier, keep in mind that the former acts as a go-between while the latter handles everything from sourcing to shipping and beyond

What Are Popular Examples of Custom Packaging? 

Sustainable and minimalist packaging are two of today’s most well-liked types of bespoke presentation.

Paper and cardboard are two examples of sustainable packaging. Similar to the previous item, these are manufactured using recycled, biodegradable materials.

Amazon, for instance, has pushed its suppliers to adopt more eco-friendly packaging practices.

In contrast, “minimalist” packaging has less embellishments. There is more breathing room on the surface and less competing colors, distractions, and elements.

Final Thoughts

In the dropshipping business, all sellers are now expected to have their own unique selling points. When trying to differentiate from similarly priced products, one of the most effective methods to do so is through the use of distinctive packaging.