Nearly 90% of dropshipping businesses close shop within their first year. That’s because the general public now views it as little more than a quick way to rack up cash.
They take everything they need from the internet and offer no originality in return. This strategy may be successful on occasion for a few months, but at some point, you will run out of luck.
The development of a distinct selling proposition for one’s enterprise is essential if one is to achieve sustained success. This is typically not possible without first becoming a recognized brand.
That’s why it could help to study the methods and successes of direct-to-consumer businesses. Luckily, that is the topic that this manual will focus on.
To help you build a successful brand and stay ahead of the competition, we’ll explain the ins and outs of the Direct to Consumer (D2C) business model.
What are we waiting for?
What Is Direct to Consumer?
One type of business model known as “Direct to Consumer” involves selling items straight to consumers. In order to generate sales, neither middlemen nor distribution networks are required. Direct-to-Consumer (or DTC) is another common abbreviation.
Why Are D2C Brands Successful?
Direct-to-consumer (D2C) brands have experienced meteoric growth in popularity and financial success in recent years, with sales projected to hit $175 billion by 2025.
This can be attributed to the command that this type of business structure grants. You can get more profit from direct sales to consumers than from wholesalers and retailers combined.
And since you’re dealing with the customers face to face, you’ll have access to all their information. You can adapt to their ever-changing needs and use their comments to enhance the product in every way.
True, not every direct-to-consumer brand makes it. Our discussion of the many factors to think about before launching a direct-to-consumer business will continue in the next section.
What are the Benefits of a D2C Brand?
Numerous start-ups now prioritize creating a direct-to-consumer identity. Given its advantages, the rising level of interest is hardly surprising.
Therefore, here are some benefits of launching a direct-to-consumer brand:
Access to Customer Data
As was previously mentioned, in a D2C business, neither distributors nor middlemen play a role.
When you sell your product directly to the consumer, you also gain access to all of their personal information.
It’s not an exaggeration to say that in the modern era, data is one of a company’s most valuable economic assets.
Control Over the Prices
Retailers buy in bulk from conventional stores and resell the merchandise at a profit to customers. But direct-to-consumer (D2C) trade isn’t like that at all.
Since there aren’t any wholesalers or retailers involved, a D2C brand can set its own prices.
You can sell your wares to consumers at prices below market and still make a healthy profit.
Better Customer Relationship
When it comes to direct-to-consumer companies, consumers tend to be dedicated to their favorite brands. Thanks to your command of the company, you’ve been able to achieve this success. Usually, stores only care about making a profit, so customer feedback is either ignored or never reaches the manufacturer.
It stands to reason, however, that if you can interact with your target demographic more frequently and promptly implement their suggestions, you will have a more positive relationship with them.
To add to that, if your product is the most affordable option for customers, you’ll attract more interest.
Opportunities for Innovation
Brands with more established histories tend to be reluctant to experiment. They become complacent when they consistently sell the most “in-demand” product to the retailer and make only a modest profit.
Each and every one of the most prosperous corporations has one thing in common: they all embrace change and new ideas with open arms. They are always bringing new ideas to the table, and if they don’t pan out, they take the lessons they’ve learned and apply them elsewhere.
A direct-to-consumer brand, on the other hand, can help you break new ground. When dealing directly with consumers, you can test the waters with a new product launch on a smaller scale and with fewer personnel and materials.
If it’s well-received, keep going; otherwise, scale back.
What Are the Drawbacks of a D2C Brand?
While direct-to-consumer brands are growing in popularity, there are still dangers associated with using this strategy. Now, let’s look at some of the more typical disadvantages of a brand that sells directly to consumers.
Potential Security Threats
Cybersecurity Ventures estimates that by 2025, we will lose $10.5 trillion worth of individuals every year. It’s yet another indication of how commonplace cybercrime and data theft have become.
This is why it is your duty as a direct-to-consumer business owner to safeguard your clients’ privacy.
Non-technical people may struggle to grasp the nuances of online security. Since this is the case, your ignorance poses a direct threat to the success of your company.
Shipping Logistics
One of the most challenging aspects of launching a direct-to-consumer brand is organizing the shipping process. Businesses that rely on shipping products to customers should never risk their customers receiving damaged or late packages.
In the beginning stages of establishing your brand, nothing is worse than receiving negative comments from customers.
Thus, you’ll be responsible for this entire division. Inadequate networking could make even fulfilling orders a major hassle.
Dependency on Marketing
A successful marketing plan is essential for any company in the modern era. However, the stakes are significantly higher for direct-to-consumer brands. You’re pretty much on your own without the aid of any retailers or middlemen to help you turn a profit.
You won’t get very far without a strong marketing plan and the ability to make your brand known to your target audience.
Various Expertise
To successfully manage a direct-to-consumer brand, you need to be proficient in many different areas. It’s not just about finding new products; there are also supply chain issues to fix, orders to fill on time, and more to do.
Those without prior knowledge may feel completely overwhelmed. This is why, despite widespread enthusiasm, many business owners still hesitate to launch a direct-to-consumer product or service.
Hallmarks of Launching a D2C Company
Here are five steps you should take if you’re starting a business that sells directly to consumers (D2C) or transforming your dropshipping operation into a brand:
Focus on Customer Pain Points
One thing unites the most popular direct-to-consumer brands, like Casper and Dollar Shave Club.
They are experts at alleviating customer frustrations.
Each of them recognized a challenge, and then offered a workable answer, in an effort to pique the interest of potential customers.
For example, as disheartening as it may sound, purchasing a mattress wasn’t exactly a breeze before the advent of Casper. The quality is subpar, but the price is through the roof.
The process was simplified by Casper, and the company’s mattresses were not only more affordable but also of higher quality.
The bed would be delivered to your door in a simple-to-maneuver box.
This is the problem they set out to solve, and because so many people require some sort of bedding in order to function properly, their business took off.
Survey the Market for Similar Solutions
It is now extremely difficult to introduce a “new” product to the market. Finding a better version of an existing product is the better strategy.
That’s where a survey of the market comes in handy. If you have a solid strategy and approach, you can succeed in any market, no matter how crowded it may seem.
That’s exactly what we see with the success of companies like the Dollar Shave Club. They are a well-known direct-to-consumer (D2C) razor brand, but Gillette used to control 70% of the market.
How then did The Dollar Shave Club become so successful? Since they sell razors on a subscription basis, they actually made purchasing razors simpler than Gillette.
The majority of men shave regularly, so the razors in their subscription model are sent to their homes without any additional effort on the part of the customer.
Also, they don’t have any particularly innovative razors, but the ones they do have are of high quality and perform their function admirably.
The moral of the story is to do some research first. Discover what they lack, even if they are selling similar products. And the things that the customer values most, compile them into your brand.

Evaluate your Resources
It’s a huge deal to start a direct-to-consumer or even a private-label dropshipping brand. You should take stock of your equipment and supplies before diving in headfirst.
Direct-to-consumer companies place a greater burden on your shoulders than more conventional online retailers.
You should begin by identifying a product that has room for improvement and expansion. Then there’s the matter of branding, marketing, and other such nonsense, as well as the actual packaging of the product itself.
In fact, these aren’t even the most challenging parts; you’ll also need to educate yourself on supply chain issues and shipping.
Growing a direct-to-consumer brand takes time and money. And it’s going to be tough to make it through if you just dive in headfirst.
There are more B2C brands than B2C-focused eCommerce stores because of this.
It’s a long-term investment, and you need to lay the groundwork for your brand before you can begin constructing it.
Form a Product Strategy
Every online retailer, from dropshippers to direct-to-consumer startups, needs a solid product strategy.
As a first order of business, see to it that a trial run of your product is conducted. Your quality assurance team or a paying customer can perform this test.
In a similar vein, the testing phase does not consist solely of giving the product away to customers. Free shipping, bulk discounts, and BOGO deals are all tactics that could be used.
During this stage, you will test various approaches to your business to see which ones bring in the most customers.
The cost of the products is another factor to consider. While direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands may have more leeway in terms of pricing, it’s still important to strike a good balance at first.
Make sure the prices reflect the values and goals of your company.
If you’re having trouble moving outgoing stock, clearance sales at reduced prices are always an option.
Develop a Powerful Marketing Funnel
Building a strong marketing strategy is a must for any business, but it is especially crucial for direct-to-consumer brands running online shops.
Advertising campaigns, influencer assistance, blogs, and so on are just some of the modern methods of brand promotion.
As a result, nothing beats the success of a creative viral video.
We’ve covered the D2C marketing strategy in detail, but there are many other ways to promote a brand directly to consumers.
Golden Takeaways for Dropshippers from D2C Brands
Direct-to-consumer and dropshipping are not the same thing. Nonetheless, here are some lessons all dropshippers should learn after reviewing the D2C model’s mechanics, pros, and cons:
Focus on Building a Brand
Establishing one’s company as distinct from competitors is crucial to success. The same rules apply to drop shipping.
In contrast to the dropshipping model, direct-to-consumer (D2C) companies focus entirely on building brand awareness.
A dropshipping store that sells generic goods might help you out financially in the short term.
In contrast, becoming a private-label brand requires scale if financial success is to be achieved over the long term.
Control the Quality of Suppliers
Direct-to-consumer (D2C) companies have extensive say over the standard of their wares.
While there are restrictions on quality assurance in dropshipping, there are many ways to overcome these obstacles and give customers exactly what they expect.
Even if you have no say over the final product’s quality, you should insist on high standards from your vendors. Look for the most dependable provider rather than the cheapest one.
Read up on previous customers’ experiences, try placing test orders, or hire a professional if you’re short on leads before proceeding with product sourcing.
The most successful direct-to-consumer brands invest heavily in creating an efficient marketing funnel.
So, once you’ve established your PL dropshipping company, you shouldn’t rely solely on Facebook ads if you can help it.
Build a Solid Marketing Strategy
You could experiment with influencer marketing, video ads, or even starting a blog.
Offer Top-Notch Customer Service
Just because an outside vendor is handling order fulfillment doesn’t absolve you of responsibility for your customers’ happiness.
Direct-to-consumer companies always aim to please their customers. They have a quick turnaround time for responding to customer service requests, and their return/refund process is simple.
Make it seem like a legitimate brand when you launch your private label or white label dropshipping business. Maintain a fast response time when interacting with and supporting customers, and always strive to provide solutions that the customers are happy with.