Is there a place called Facebook Jail? There is, yes. When a person’s Facebook account is blocked or suspended, this is called “Facebook Jail.”

We all know how important Facebook is as business people. Whether you run an online store or a store with real bricks and mortar, you need Facebook for your marketing campaigns.

But how do you keep from being stopped? Facebook Jail can only be avoided by following Facebook’s rules, which is what we’ll talk about today.

Today, I’m going to tell you some secrets that no one else knows. Why would someone tell everyone about how Facebook shut down his account?

I don’t want this to happen to you, so let’s move on.

Facebook Jail How To Stay Off Facebook Without Getting Blocked
Facebook Jail How To Stay Off Facebook Without Getting Blocked

How does Facebook Jail work?

To make things clearer, “Facebook Jail” means any kind of suspension or block. Most of the time, Facebook won’t let you use some of its tools.

For example, you cannot post content in a group. In some cases, your Ad Account is locked, which means you can’t run ads. To get it unlocked, you have to contact Facebook’s advertising team.

At worst, you won’t even be able to add a friend. Facebook and other social media sites are smart, you see. Their systems can tell if you are sending spam or adding friends with robots.

Facebook likes it when you use its platform to market your business, but it doesn’t like it when you act badly, especially if you post illegal or offensive content like hate speech or pornography.

There are two main kinds of blocking: short-term and long-term.

Facebook Jail for a Short Time

This is when your privileges are taken away for a little while. You can’t post any more comments in a group, for example. Most of the time, this happens when you send too many links to the group.

Most of the time, a block like this only takes 24 hours. You can use the feature again after this amount of time has passed. But be careful, because if you keep doing the same thing, Facebook may ban you for good.

Locked up forever on Facebook

This means that your account will never be used again. You wasted your time, your Facebook page’s content, your followers, and everything else that came with it.

Even though it should be clear when someone breaks the rules, there are still people who don’t know what is right or wrong. In the next section, we’ll talk about these violations. We’ll also talk about some things you already knew Facebook didn’t like—things that Facebook finds suspicious even if you do them naturally.

How to avoid getting blocked and what you need to know

There are a million different ways to end up in Facebook Jail. But all of these reasons can be put into different groups.

Groups that spam

If you post the same thing to more than one group at the same time, Facebook will take away your ability to post. Why? Because this is considered spam by Facebook.

Many online entrepreneurs, like dropshippers, promote their content by posting the same link or message in different Facebook Groups. They do this quickly so they can get on with their other work. To them, dropping links to several groups was a good idea because thousands of members will see these links.

This is spam in Facebook’s eyes. And rightly so, since the spammer doesn’t help the community in any way. By doing this, you are also trying to get around the rules. Facebook wants marketers to use its advertising platform, but you are trying to advertise without paying.

Spamming is not a good thing to do. In the first place, nobody wants your links. Facebook takes too much care not to send too many ads to its users. Your account will be closed if you break this rule.

Adding too many friends

Facebook knows that if you add too many friends, you will end up with a bigger network. If you know a lot of people, you can tell more people about your products.

Facebook wants its users to have a good time, whether they are getting in touch with old friends or meeting new ones. It’s hard to believe that someone could know so many people so quickly.

In short, you are taking advantage of the way Facebook connects people. Facebook was made so that old friends could find each other again. This takes a while to do naturally, but Facebook’s algorithm will figure it out if you just keep adding random people.

What’s wrong? It’s bad because you can’t make friends or start a relationship. You only want to advertise and send spam. So, Facebook knows that people don’t like getting spam.

Putting up old content again

Behind Facebook, there are a lot of things going on. They have robots that can tell spam from good mail. One spam is duplicate content.

Facebook will find out if you post other people’s posts as your own, and these posts will be marked as spam.

What gives Facebook this information?

For one thing, a lot of online content is reported as spam to Facebook, other social media networks, and search engines. If you post these same things again, they will find out.

If you post someone else’s content that Facebook has already crawled or is already in its database, it could be marked as spam. You can share links and media, but you shouldn’t copy someone else’s post. You might get reported, or Facebook might find the duplicate content on its own.

Duplicate content also includes posting the same content over and over again. Again, Facebook wants its users to have a great time when they use it.

Having the wrong kind of account

Facebook wants you to have different kinds of accounts for different things. The term “personal account” refers to your profile. You should never use that to advertise, or your message will be marked as spam.

There are business accounts on Facebook for businesses and brand accounts for people with a lot of influence. They also let groups have accounts.

This is done so that Facebook users can see who they are talking to. Mark Zuckerberg, who started Facebook, thinks that people should be honest. This is one reason why you need to use your real name for your profile and then build business or brand pages under that profile.

What’s at stake here is credibility. Facebook doesn’t like it when people hide behind fake names or use the wrong type of account because they are tricking other people.

Malicious posts

One of the quickest ways to get kicked off is to post something bad. Malicious posts are ones that are full of hate, like ones that make people mad or that pick on other people.

Here are some examples of posts that are meant to harm:

  • Anything that makes people angry
  • Racial slurs
  • Rude comments
  • Getting other people to fight
  • Sexually-oriented comments and posts
  • Posts that make people disagree
  • Comments about gender and religion that aren’t helpful and instead bring people apart

Facebook doesn’t want to stop people from saying what they want. But many people don’t understand what it means to have freedom of speech. These people can’t tell the difference between freedom of speech and slander and malice.

Also, Facebook is a social media site for people of all ages, not just adults. A lot of kids and teens use the platform, and there is a lot of content that should never be shown to young people. If you break any of these rules, your account could be deleted for good.

Illegal posts

Illegal posts are different from malicious posts because you are trying to get people to do or use something that is illegal.

Here are just a few:

  • Guns
  • Murder
  • Prostitution
  • Scam
  • networks

One example is pornography, which is against the law in a lot of places. Even if your business is legal, you can’t post anything racy on the platform. Facebook is going to look into you because there is a difference between nude art and pornography.

Drugs are another one. If you promote content about drugs that are illegal, like heroin or cocaine, you will be banned without a doubt.

In some countries, it is legal to use marijuana. If you own a marijuana store, Facebook will probably ask you for proof that you are legally allowed to sell this drug or medical products made from hemp and cannabis.

In any case, you shouldn’t post anything that is against the law. Again, Facebook isn’t just for adults, and it’s not a place where you can find people to help you break the law.

Black hat engagement activities

These are things that spam and robots are used for. There are also fake followers and likes involved. As you can see, there are a lot of people who want a lot of followers but don’t want their brand to grow naturally.

They use robots to follow a lot of people and pages, hoping that these people and pages will follow them back.

Buy followers and likes is another bad way to get more followers and likes. There are a lot of businesses and people who do this, and most of them are on Freelance marketplaces.

If you buy followers or likes, or if you use robots to like other people’s pages and sites, you are not a trustworthy person or business. Facebook wants businesses to grow in a natural way, not by doing things that are called “black hat.” Again, a business needs to be trusted.

Irregular posting

If you don’t post often, Facebook will shut down your account. If you made a Facebook page, it needs to have new things on it.

There is no information about how often a Facebook page needs to post new content. Most of the time. If you haven’t posted anything on Facebook in a while, it will let you know. If this happens, you need to put up a new post.

Facebook will also let you know over time that your page hasn’t been updated in a long time, that it’s not being used, and that Facebook is going to shut it down.

Why is Facebook going to do this? A server account that is not being used takes up space. Instead of Facebook using that space to store information about other users, it is just taking up space with your information.

Facebook is a business, and like all businesses, it needs to find ways to save money. Any space in the storage that doesn’t help the business should be taken away.

Bots and scripts are used.

Software doesn’t always get things wrong. For example, you can schedule your Facebook posts with help from apps like Hootsuite. There are, however, scripts and robots that only spam.

Here are some examples of scripts you can use on Facebook:

  • asking people to like your page or respond to your posts
  • Using a script to like or reply to all comments automatically
  • Scrips that automatically block or approve comments or that automatically accept or decline invitations

Apps like Hootsuite do not spam. They publish your posts, so you don’t always have to do it yourself. They also give you tools for analysis. On Facebook, you can’t use software that makes spam.

Advertising rules broken

Even though Facebook has strict rules about ads, there are times when robots will let your ads run. But some people hide their ads and links by using tricks like “cloaking” and “redirects.”

For example, a person might put an ad for a recipe book on Facebook. There is a link in the ad that goes to a website with recipes. Once that ad runs, the person will change the website’s URL to go to a pornographic site.

Facebook will find out about this at some point, and your account will be banned, if not for good.

Here are just a few:

  • Personal Traits: You shouldn’t advertise for a celebrity unless you are the celebrity.
  • Sexually Suggestive Content: is anything about sex, like sex books, sex toys, and pornographic materials.
  • Facebook’s Brand: You can’t use Facebook’s logo, name, or even screenshots of its pages in your ads without Facebook’s express permission.

Most of the time, if you make an ad that breaks Facebook rules, your ad account will be suspended. Even if the ad doesn’t run, Facebook will find out about the problem before it approves the ad.

Having too many likes on Facebook

You shouldn’t like a lot of pages, even if you don’t use scripts and robots. This is a rule that has been debated. If you like too many pages, Facebook’s algorithm might not be able to find the right ads to show you.

Facebook also sees this as sending spam to other people. It seems unlikely that one person could like hundreds of pages at once.

From Facebook’s point of view, you’re just liking all these pages in hopes of getting more likes and comments. You are still cheating the system even if you don’t use robots.

In short, you are taking risks to get more likes so that your content will show up in people’s feeds more often.

The trick is to decide how many pages you want to like. You can like as many posts and pages as you want for as long as you have an account. But you can only like a certain number of pages and posts per day.

Keeping more than one account

Facebook doesn’t like it when you sign up for more than one account. In its eyes, you’re making up different fake selves.

Facebook doesn’t want people to have more than one profile. After all, you’re an individual. If you make more than one account, you will have to log out of one before you can use the other. The Facebook robots will figure out that you are using the same device to log in to more than one account.

If this happens, Facebook will think you are either a hacker or someone who has more than one Facebook account.

You only need to make one Facebook profile, and then you can make pages under that profile.

This will show Facebook that all of these online businesses are owned by the same real person.

When you join bad groups

Joining bad groups is the last thing on our list of ways to end up in Facebook Jail. Facebook is a group of people who help each other out.

If you join anti-Jewish or racist Facebook groups or ones that spread fake news, your account will be banned. It doesn’t matter whether or not you made that Facebook page. The fact that you joined it can be enough to get you kicked out.



If you follow Facebook’s rules, your account will not be taken away. The worst thing that could happen is that Facebook would shut down your account completely. It’s a nightmare to set up a new social media website.

If this happens, you have to start over, re-post all your content, gain new followers, and wait many years to get back to the level of influence you had before. Always remember these rules and stick to them. Don’t even try to find ways around them.

If you break Facebook’s rules, they will always find out. You will feel bad if this happens.