Due to their massive user bases, Google Ads and Facebook Ads are the industry standard in online advertising. As advertising methods for drop shipping, they each have their own advantages and, when used properly, can result in high conversion rates.

Nevertheless, making a choice between the two requires forethought and an awareness of the nuances of each. Here, we’ll contrast the two popular advertising platforms, Google Ads and Facebook Ads, to assist you in making the best decision for your dropshipping business.

Ready? The time has come to get started.

In terms of total traffic, Google is undoubtedly the leader. Users run an average of over 5 billion searches on it in a day. This is a fantastic chance to show them ads that are relevant to their interests.

Subsequently, the company launched Google Adsense in 2003 which later morphed into today’s Google Ads. The latter is more optimized for current internet user trends and modern e-commerce concepts like dropshipping.

Facebook, on the other hand, is a social media platform with about 2.85 billion active accounts. However, aside from its mammoth following, its social aspect and the details users share make it easy to achieve targeted advertising through Facebook Ads.

Advertising on Facebook was first made available that year, in 2007. Advertisements were initially limited to the social media platform Facebook. As a result of Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram, however, advertising is now available on both services.

Now that we’ve met each other, let’s take a closer look at Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

Through its Pay-Per-Click model, Google Ads allows for a variety of advertising options. The cost of your advertisements will be proportional to the number of times they are clicked.

Advertise your dropshipping company using any of Google Ads’ formats. The key is to tailor your Google Ads strategy to your target demographic and business objectives.

Create an ad campaign and select your desired ad after signing up for a Google Ads account. The various forms of Google ads are as follows:

Google Search Ads

When a user conducts a search that is pertinent to the products in your dropshipping store, Google will display ads for your store. They coexist with Google’s usual organic search results and can be found at the top, middle, or bottom of the page.

Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that a user is interested in searching for car seats. Search engine advertisements may take the form shown below:

Google search ads
Ads on Google are displayed alongside organic results based on the keywords you successfully bid on, just like with search engines. Please see below for details on how bidding operates.

Before you start placing bids, you need to know which keywords are best suited to your dropshipping niche. Think about how they’re using keywords, and see what you can learn from them.
Google will ask you how much you are willing to pay per click for the keywords you choose as part of the ad campaign setup process.
Just like an auction, the better your budget, the higher your Google ad is likely to rank.
However, successful bidding is not just based on how much you can spend. In addition to having a high-quality website to direct people to, your ad must also pass Google’s quality guidelines.

To sum up, to increase the frequency with which your ads appear in search results, you should:

You set a sensible spending plan.
There is more to your ad’s success than just using popular search terms.
The quality of your website’s landing page is commendable, and it is highly recommended for attracting potential customers to your online dropshipping store.

Google Shopping Ads

Your Google Shopping ads will look like this: Product image, price, online shop name, and star rating (sometimes). Here they are:

When someone conducts a search on Google, it will appear at the top of the results page.
When a user navigates to any of Google’s many affiliated sites
Wherever Google Ads are displayed, including YouTube and Gmail
Create an ad campaign and connect your store’s product data with Google’s shopping ads system via the Google Merchant Service Center to get started.

Google will then use this information to tailor ads to individual users. People who do searches for items related to the information in your store’s database fall into this category.

There are many reasons why shopping advertisements are helpful.

Provide prospective buyers with more information about your product, such as a picture, price, and purchase options, at the outset.
Provide prospective buyers with a selection of products from which to pick in your store.
Strongly suggested for: narrowing down your target audience to shoppers who are actively looking for a specific product.

Google Display Network Ads

Ads from Google can be seen on a wide variety of different websites, apps, and Google platforms, including YouTube, thanks to the Google Display Network (GDN). In the Google Display Network, you can promote your products with an image, a short description, and a clickable link to your online shop.

Ads on Google’s Display Network
GDN ads stand out from the crowd because of their superior tailoring to specific audiences. Select the types of potential customers you want to reach during the campaign setup process, such as:

Interval of Ages
Topics of conversation like “fashion,” “beauty,” and “exercise”
Typical facets of existence such as parenthood Culture
For best results, focus on drawing in customers who aren’t actively searching for what you sell but who might be interested.

Google Video Ads

Google video ads could be a good option if you’re looking for a more engaging form of advertising. They can be seen before, during, or after a user watches a video.

You get to decide during the advertising campaign setup process:

For whom do you wish to have the advertisement displayed?
How much money you’re prepared to spend
Intent of your advertising campaign
Once your video has been uploaded, Google will make use of these settings to show your ad only to the people who are likely to be interested in it.

Remarketing and broad-based targeted advertising are two uses the experts recommend.

Google App Ads

Automation in the dropshipping process facilitates trade between companies and between companies and their customers. If you’ve already taken advantage of this and created a company app, you may find that Google app ads are effective in getting more people to download it.

Promotions on Google apps
Also, app marketing campaigns can be made quickly and easily in Google AdWords.

Construct the framework for the campaign. You’ll need to specify your aims, financial constraints, intended demographic, and geographical scope.
Upload screenshots of the app in action and describe it briefly.
Once you’ve entered your information, Google Ads will use an algorithm to determine when and where to show your ad. Be patient as the algorithm may take a few moments to determine the best placement for your advertisement.

Any dropshipping company that wants more customers to download their store app would benefit from this recommendation.

Pros of Google Ads

Using Google Ads’ features, you can narrow your marketing focus to a specific demographic or interest group. This strategy has the potential to be more cost-effective while also producing more conversions.
The Google Display Network system allows your advertisements to appear on a wide variety of websites. Because of this, you improve your chances of attracting new clients and reengaging with your existing clientele.
Google Ads’ pay-per-click and bidding structures give you room to maneuver within a set budget. As your company expands, you can modify your bids accordingly.
Advertising that runs automatically once you’ve submitted the necessary information about your campaign. The Google Ads system is programmed to automatically generate certain ad types, such as Google shopping ads.

Cons of Google Ads

All the ad options provided by Google Ads can be overwhelming if you are just starting out in dropshipping marketing. The already challenging task of bidding only becomes more so.
Though you have some say over how much you spend on targeted keywords, bidding wars are still a real possibility. You might have to increase spending if you want your ads to gain traction.
Maintaining success with Google Ads calls for constant work; you must regularly update your keywords and ensure that your landing page is well-designed and regularly updated. Your Google ads might not do so well if you skimp on these areas.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads lets you choose from a variety of ad formats and only charges you for the attention they receive.

A click is someone who taps on your ad to get more information. Simply put, impressions measure how many times your advertisement was shown to viewers.

Setting Up to Use Facebook Ads

You’ll need to do the following to get started with Facebook Ads for dropshipping:

Create a Facebook page for your drop shipping business.
Make a Facebook Business Manager account.
Sign up for Facebook Ads using the Business Manager.
Establish a connection between your shop’s Facebook business page and Facebook Business Manager.
Seems like a lot of work, right? Fortunately, it’s an easy process overall. If you stick to the on-screen instructions, you won’t have to put in much effort at all. You can make and control all of your ads with the click of a button using Facebook’s Business Manager.

When everything is in place, you can begin developing your advertising campaign, or the overarching strategy of your marketing plan.

You can tailor your campaign to a specific audience and set a spending limit with Facebook Ads.

Once the framework for the advertising campaign has been established, the next step is to choose the advertising formats that will be implemented. Facebook advertising choices consist of:

Single Video Ads

Single-clip video advertisements are a great way to introduce people to a product and show off its features and style. The video ad can be accompanied by a brief text description in Facebook Ads.

Dropshipping video ads can be made in one of two ways on Facebook Ads:

Create a video with the help of Facebook’s built-in tools for business pages.
Post your video advertisement to your Facebook business page, and then “boost” the post to increase its visibility.
Users will see video ads in their Facebook feeds, as well as on Instagram and Messenger. You should adjust the length of your video to fit the specifications of the platform you intend to share it on.

Single Image Ads

Unlike multi-image ads, single-image ads only allow for one image and a short description. The first impression is that it is restrictive. A photo can be altered to show, however:

Views of the advertised product from all sides Specifics on the product’s cost
The title of your dropshipping business.
Your image should serve a purpose in attracting potential customers without overwhelming them to the point where they click away. Details too large to fit on the image can be described in the accompanying text. To that end, use bright colors sparingly.

Single-image advertisements, like video advertisements, are shown on a variety of devices. Even though JPG and PNG are the most widely supported image formats, you can use just about any format you like with Facebook Ads.

Carousel Ads

Do you want to give your customers a more comprehensive demonstration of your products? Then perhaps carousel ads are the solution you’ve been looking for. With this format, you can showcase up to ten images in a single ad, all of which readers can scroll through at their leisure.

There is not much of a difference between carousel ads and static ones. The only difference between the two is that one may be more useful if you want to:

Introduce potential buyers to the various products you sell.
Expose the same product from various viewpoints or demonstrating its use in various contexts.

Slideshow Ads

Advertisements that use slideshows are similar to highlight reels. You can include as many as five photos, image captions, or video clips in one. The slideshow-making resources you require can be found in the Facebook Business Manager interface.

Slideshow advertisements have the advantage of being able to show more information while still loading quickly even on mobile devices. More interest may be drawn to them if they move in an animated fashion or if music is used.

Instant Experience Ads

A video or image ad can provide an instant experience. The advertisement expands to fill the entire screen when clicked. The primary photo or video could be featured in the enlarged version, with additional images shown in a carousel format at the base of the screen.

Clicking on an instant experience ad provides the potential customer with access to additional information. However, you have complete control over the content that is shown.

Ads for the instant experience on Facebook are optimized for speedy loading times for both mobile and desktop users.

Collection Ads

Collection ads use a carousel layout, with one large image or video at the top and smaller ones scrolling below it. Customers are treated to an instantaneous experience when they click on the images in the carousel. They can learn more about the items and make a purchase without leaving Facebook.

With this type of advertisement, consumers can quickly zero in on a specific product of interest and make a purchase decision. Customers are more likely to complete a purchase if doing so is easy, so this is a great way to increase conversions.

Poll Ads

Unlike traditional forms of advertising, poll ads encourage audience participation. You can use them to let your audience choose between multiple options in a poll based on their personal preferences. Their strengths lie in the following applications:

Understanding your clientele and establishing rapport with them
Getting potential buyers excited about the goods you sell in your dropshipping store.

Pros of Facebook Ads

Facebook is a social media platform where users share and discuss their own experiences and insights, making it ideal for highly specific marketing campaigns. While Facebook Ads will not distribute this information to third parties, it will use it to show your ads to a highly specific demographic.
Interactive ad choices: consumers are more likely to remain faithful to a brand than a specific product. Poll ads, for example, let you engage with your target market, establish trust, and drum up excitement for your dropshipping business.
With in-app purchases, customers can buy what they need without leaving your Facebook business page. Because of how easy it is to use, your chances of making a sale are greatly improved.
Reach a wide variety of new and returning customers by displaying your ads across multiple platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger.
Facebook only charges for the clicks and impressions your ads receive, giving you complete fiscal command. In addition, it will only schedule your ads to run if they are financially feasible.

Cons of Facebook Ads

While the Facebook Business Manager is helpful, there are a number of steps involved in setting it up, and even after that you’ll need to create an ad campaign and ad sets.
There is a learning curve involved; Facebook Ads has many features and options, but it may take some time to figure out how they all work and implement them for optimal ad performance.

Now that you know the differences between Google Ads and Facebook Ads, we can discuss your options.

If you’re in the position of having to choose between the two solutions, you should do so after carefully considering your company’s requirements and objectives. Thus, you can select the possibility that best meets your needs.

To help you get going, here is a quick primer.

Choosing Google Ads

You should use Google Ads if/when:

Dropshipping Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads

The market is already familiar with either your dropshipping store or the products you offer. Google Ads’ limited character count limits your ability to spread your brand’s message. Due to this, it may be challenging to use it for launching new products.
Your store’s offerings address a real need in the community. Keep in mind that Google Ads relies on keywords. Your ads may never be relevant enough to be shown if users are not likely to search for the product you are selling.
You are aiming for a wider demographic. Google Ads is not a specialized advertising platform like Facebook Ads. Therefore, you may be able to advertise to a more universal audience.
You’re totally committed to remarketing. The ads that Google displays are tailored to potential customers based on their search history and other information. As a result, it serves as an excellent remarketing tool.

Choosing Facebook Ads

Advertising on Facebook is a viable option if you:

There is a specific subset of the population that you are aiming for. Advertisements on Facebook can be targeted in great detail. This is fantastic because it allows you to advertise niche products that wouldn’t normally qualify for Google Ads due to their lack of popularity.
You want more people to recognize your brand. Facebook Ads keeps the social nature of the platform alive with features like polls and instant experience ads.
You want more conversions, obviously. By large margins, Google Ads are more effective than Facebook Ads at bringing in customers. Facebook’s collections ads, however, in which viewers can click through and make an immediate purchase, may increase sales dramatically.

FAQs on Google Ads vs Facebook Ads for Dropshipping

Is It Possible to Monitor the Performance of Google Ads or Facebook Ads For Dropshipping?

In a word, yes.

Google Ads users also have access to Google Analytics for reporting on ad performance.

Another option is to use Facebook Pixel to monitor your ad campaigns if you decide to go that route. More so, you can connect it to your Shopify Dropshipping store to track sales.

Which costs more: Google Ads or Facebook Ads?

The average CPC for Google Ads is greater than that of Facebook Ads.

However, it must be stressed that CPC varies across sectors. AdWords by Google has an average cost per click of about $2.69, while Facebook Ads costs only $1.

If you compare their Cost Per Action prices, you’ll see the same pattern.

Can I Use Google Ads and Facebook Ads at the Same Time?

Certainly, you are welcome to.

On the other hand, if you lack experience with both platforms, it can be time-consuming and expensive.

Furthermore, think about the price and the possibility of over advertising if you decide to use both options. It’s important to remember that the latter does not ensure more successful sales.

Is It Possible to Use More Than One Type of Ad on Either Platform?


Ads by Google Search and Ads by Google Shopping, for instance, can be created simultaneously on Google Ads. As a result, more people may find your dropshipping store and make a purchase.

Final Thoughts

When it comes down to it, choosing between Google ads and Facebook ads is a wash. It all comes down to what works best for your dropshipping company’s marketing objectives.