You should aim to automate as much of your store as possible by 2023. There are several advantages to doing this, so you shouldn’t put it off any longer.

Instead of making minor adjustments, Shopify suggests concentrating on changes that will have a major impact on the company.

In other words, what steps should we take to advance our company? Where do we start with automating our retail space? If you look into it, you’ll see.

What Is E-commerce Automation?

It’s a piece of software designed to help your e-commerce business convert activities, procedures, or campaigns. Automation that can intelligently carry out tasks when they become necessary.

As with appliances, there is no shortage of software that can streamline specific tasks in your business.

There is a high degree of automatizability in the store’s procedures. We have complied a list of possible generic implementations for your review.

The Variety of Automation

Customer Service Automation

Service to customers is a need. You need to establish a hub for both pre- and post-sale customer support. Whether it’s through a chatbot, a live person, or an email. Maintenance of a customer service department is crucial.

Online shoppers are used to instantaneous communication and expect a similarly rapid reaction from retailers. If you don’t act fast, both potential and existing customers will have a bad impression of your business. Moreover, they will join your competitors.

It’s ideal to disseminate that via chatbot or helpful CSR (Customer Service Representative).

Companies like Zendesk and Help Scout, which provide customer service outsourcing, are abundant.

The freelancer marketplace Upwork also has a customer service option.

When used in conjunction with a human customer service team, chatbots can answer routine questions and lighten the load for everyone involved. Now, your team can focus on fixing the bigger problems that customers experience with their purchases.

If you want to make it easy for customers to start live chats with you while they’re perusing your products, offering customer care via Whatsapp or Messenger is a great idea. You can use ChatBox to access services like Whatsapp Chat (Automated) and the Messenger channel.

Tools to Simplify Your Dropshipping Operations

Security Automation

Creating regular (and ideally daily) backups is one of the most crucial steps you can take to protect your store from potential loss. In the event of data loss, whether through accidental deletion or a malicious hack, you should always have a backup ready to restore from.

In addition to the costs associated with maintenance and lost revenue while your firm is closed, manual backups also take time.

Plus, if there’s a security breach, clients might stop trusting you.

In the event of a security breach, automatic backups will save the day, both for your business and for your customers’ personal information. With no loss of efficiency.

In the Shopify App Store, you can find excellent choices like TrustedSite and Rewind Backups to automate your security.

While we’re on the subject of cost. Due to the additional services, such as trust marks and certifications, TrustedSite has a higher price tag.

However, if you are on a low budget, you shouldn’t worry too much about the safety of your store.

Both Shopify’s system and infrastructure meet PCI standards. Shopify has achieved the highest level of PCI DSS compliance available.

All Shopify-hosted stores are automatically compliant. As a result of their proactive approach, they are now GDPR compliant. Provide a free SSL certificate to all online retailers. In addition, Shopify prevents common attacks with robust web application firewalls.

Fulfillment Automation

There are many steps that must be taken before fulfillment can be considered complete. It is crucial to maintain efficient management and communication across all departments, but logistics in particular.

Automating this process can make the collaboration between the two parties easier and more efficient.

In the Shopify App Store, you’ll find a number of useful add-ons. CJDropshipping is your best bet, in my opinion.

A streamlined automated system for fulfilling orders can quickly and accurately complete routine activities. If you have to do it by hand, you better set aside a lot of time. Companies of a smaller size simply cannot afford such a luxury.

Marketing Automation

Managing a marketing campaign is an arduous process. However, it is also the single most effective strategy for driving business growth.

You can save time and effort by using one of the many available extensions to streamline repetitive marketing tasks.

Numerous marketing tasks, including those related to social media and email, can be carried out mechanically. A welcome email is one example.

Privy – One of the most downloaded add-ons from the Shopify App Store, it is ideally suited to the task of email automation. You can use it for E-mail marketing, and it also has tools for analyzing your website’s visitors and converting them.

When it comes to dashboard software for data analysis, Lucky Orange and In Cart Upsell are two of the best. What a wonderful feature, Lucky Orange lets you see every click, scroll, and movement of each visitor’s mouse in real time.

Instagram is a no-brainer for marketing strategy management if your target demographic consists largely of social media addicts.

The best social media management tool is Instafeed. Hootsuite is a popular alternative that serves as a media dashboard.

Share your thoughts on the best automation tools for social media with us below.

Shopify offers store owners a number of revolutionary features. Such are remarking on the order, personalizing a blog, etc.

Here are some alterations that could help your shop attract more customers and expand. I won’t be conversing any further about that topic; perhaps in the future we can devote an entire episode to discussing Shopify hacks.

Benefits of Automation

Customers will appreciate the time and money savings for you and your team that automation provides. You’ll have more time to work on yourself.

Manually overseeing your store’s operations is a time-consuming task. Perhaps there are aspects of your shop that need your attention, but you just can’t seem to get to them. Because you need to focus on more pressing, but less crucial, tasks at the moment.

There is a lot of time that can be made available through the use of automation. Making it possible for you to stop worrying about the small stuff and start focusing on the big picture. Test out some sort of store automation system, and see how easy it is for yourself.


Having a reliable system in place for processing orders is crucial for any online store’s success. However, the client is never shown this version.

If you can automate order fulfillment with software or outsourcing, you’ll have more time and energy to focus on marketing strategies that bring in new visitors and convert them into paying customers.