Customers who shop online can’t touch or feel the products they buy, so they have to use other signs to decide whether or not to buy something. Trust badges help with this. Trust badges are pictures or symbols that show that your online store is safe and reliable.

How often do people leave their shopping carts behind? It’s close to 70%! Baymard did a study on this and found. In 2020, 18% of US adults said they had left an online shopping cart because they didn’t trust a website with their credit card information.

All In One Guide To Trust Badges For Shopify
All In One Guide To Trust Badges For Shopify

What are Trust Badges on Shopify?

A trust badge is a symbol that you put on your website to make people trust you. They are usually seen during the checkout process, but more retailers are putting them on their landing or home pages as well. Adding these badges to your site can help you make more money and make your customers happier. Shopify trust badges are pictures or symbols that you can add to your store to show your customers that you’re a reliable business. These badges show that other people think your store is safe and reliable.

Why are Shopify’s badges of trust so important?

When you shop online, trust is very important. It’s one of the most important reasons why someone will buy from your store or not. Norton did a study that showed that almost 60% of people won’t shop on a site they don’t trust.

Trust badges on Shopify are important because they help your customers trust you. By putting trust badges on your store, you show your customers that you are a reliable business. This can help boost sales and rates of conversion.

Trust Badges Shopify Give Shoppers Reassurance

Customers are more likely to buy from your store if they see that it has been checked out and is backed by a reliable source. You can give your customers more confidence in your store by adding trust badges.

A trust badge is like an endorsement. It’s a way to prove to your customers that you can be trusted. When people come into your store and see these badges, they are more likely to buy them.

Badges Provide Social Proof

Social proof is the idea that seeing other people do something makes you more likely to do it yourself. For example, you’re more likely to buy from a store that has gotten a lot of good reviews.

Trust badges do the same thing. Customers are more likely to buy from your store if they see that it has been checked out and is backed by a reliable source.

Badges can increase sales and rates of conversion.

Adding trust badges to your store can have a big effect on how well it sells and how many people buy from it. One study found that adding trust logos to a website can boost conversion rates by up to 34%.

Shopify stores should use trust badges

Now that you know why trust badges are important, let’s take a look at some of the best ones for Shopify stores.

Seals of Security for SSL

This is a type of trust badge that you might see a lot. In Google Chrome, the lock icon shows up next to the URL of your website. Customers will know that your site is safe and that their personal information is safe when they see this security badge on your store. This can help boost sales and rates of conversion.

McAfee SECURE Trust Badges

In the world of online safety, McAfee is a well-known name. Their SECURE trust badge is a great way to show customers that your store is safe and secure.

Badges for paying

You can add badges for major credit cards, PayPal, and other payment methods to your store if you accept them. This makes it easier for customers to trust you and gives them peace of mind that their payment information is safe. Apple Pay and Google Pay are two other well-known payment badges.

Guarantees of money back

If your store’s rules allow it, you can also make badges that show customers they don’t need to be afraid to buy from you. These badges aren’t about security, but they do show shoppers why they should feel good about shopping in your store. You might want to put a badge on things like money-back guarantees, free returns or shipping, or customer service that is open 24/7.

Icon for Safe Payment

People who shop online aren’t always sure what they want, and they don’t want to give their credit card information to a stranger. Put a “safe checkout” badge on your website to show shoppers that they can trust you. Users should be reminded that their information is safe with you by a simple green logo with a tiny checkmark.

Endorsements from Other People

Make sure to show off if you’ve been in the news, have a strong social media presence, or have been reviewed by a well-known site. Put these logos on your website and home page to show that you have a good name.

Where in Your Shopify Store Should You Put Trust Badges?

Now that you know which trust badges to use, it’s time to start putting them on your store. But where should they go?

On the home page

When a customer comes to your store, the first thing they’ll see is your homepage. Because of this, it’s a great place to show off your trust badges.

Your Footer

The footer of your site is another great place for trust badges. This part of your website is usually reserved for important information, so adding trust badges here can help them stand out.

On pages for products

If your website has a lot of products, you might want to add trust badges to the pages for each product. This can help increase the number of people who buy each product.

On Landing Pages

If you’re running ads or promotions, your landing pages should have trust badges. This helps to build trust and increase the number of people who sign up for these campaigns.

In the process of checking out,

Lastly, make sure your checkout page has trust badges. This is the last step in the sales process, so reassuring customers that their information is safe is important.

How Do I Add A Shopify Secure Badge?

Now that you know where to put trust badges, you need to learn how to add them to your store. You can add trust badges to your Shopify store in a few different ways:

Using Apps That Do One Thing

You can add trust badges to your store with the help of a few specialized apps. Most of the time, these apps give you a wide range of badges to choose from and let you change how they look on your website. With trust badges, these apps can help you increase sales and conversion rates by making customers trust you more.

Changing the code for your store

If you know how to work with code, you can edit the code for your theme to add trust badges to your store. This method gives you more control over how your badges look, but you should know that you’ll need to be familiar with working with code before you try it.

Adding pictures by hand

You can add trust badges to your store by hand if you don’t want to install an app or change the code of your theme. This is the easiest way to do it, but it doesn’t work for everything. For instance, you won’t be able to change where your badges are placed as much as you can with other methods.


In conclusion

Trust badges are a great way to increase sales and conversion rates on your Shopify store. These badges can help customers trust your business more, which can lead to more sales. You can add trust badges to your store in a few different ways, so choose the right one. Make sure to put them in the right places, such as on your homepage, product pages, and checkout page. Customers will be more likely to buy from you if they know they can trust you. This will help your bottom line.

If you want to add trust badges to your Shopify store, do you have any questions? Tell us in the comments section below!