Cloudways is a company that runs servers. It gives web developers, businesses, and bloggers a place to store their files and a way to back up their information.

Cloudways has an affiliate program for marketers who can bring in new customers and help the company make more money.

Today, you’ll learn how to join the company’s affiliate program, what benefits you can expect, and how to promote the company’s products to your audience in the most effective way.

How To Make Money With The Affiliate Program At Cloudways
How To Make Money With The Affiliate Program At Cloudways

How does affiliate marketing work?

Affiliate marketing is a type of program in which a company pays a commission to the affiliate marketer. The affiliate marketer has to sign up for the program and get a unique link.

He has to put this link in all of his blog posts, videos, and other things he puts on the internet.

If someone clicks on this link, he would go to the Cloudways landing page. And if this customer buys something, Cloudways knows that an affiliate marketer sent them.

Cloudways can find out who made this sale possible by following this link. After a sale goes through, Cloudways will pay out the money at regular intervals.

How do I sign up as an affiliate for Cloudways?

You have to go to the Cloudways website and click on the Affiliate link in the menu. After that, click the “Become an Affiliate” button.

Fill out the form, and then get in touch with the Cloudways team to get your account set up. Once you have activated your affiliate account, you can access your dashboard, marketing materials, and affiliate links.

How much money will I make?

There are two main kinds of Cloudways Partner Program. The names for these are Slab and Hybrid.

The commission structure for Slab is a one-time payment. A tier is called a “Slab,” and the size of your commission depends on which Slab you are in.

Here are the Slabs and how much you can make per sale:

  • Earn $50 per sale for 1 to 5 customers.
  • Make $75 per sale if you have 6 to 20 customers.
  • Make $100 per sale if you have 21 to 45 customers.
  • Make $125 per sale if you have 46 to 80 customers.
  • Super Affiliate If you have more than 81 clients, you must contact the company.

How does it work?

Let’s say you made five sales in your first month. At that point, you’ll get $50 for each sale, for a total of $250.

If a sixth customer buys, your commission for that sale will be $75. But the commission for the first five sales has already been paid, so you won’t get an extra $25 for those sales.

The Hybrid program, on the other hand, pays less per sale but has a commission that keeps coming back for life. In the Slab program, the least you can make per sale is $50.

In the Hybrid program, you get a flat commission of $30 per sale, plus a monthly commission of 7% for as long as this customer keeps paying for a subscription.

Since the prices of the services are different, so is the amount of the 7% commission. No matter what plan the customer bought, you would get a $30 commission right away, and the 7% would start on the second month.

How it works is as follows:

  • A customer buys a hosting plan that costs $10 per month
  • You get $30 as an initial commission
  • Every time the customer pays $10, you get 7% of that amount.

If the customer stays with you for five years, the total amount of your recurring commission is:

  • $10 for 60 months equals $600
  • $600 x 7% = $42
  • $42 plus the first $30 = $70

People who want a steady income every month should choose the Hybrid plan. But it only makes a lot of sense if you are selling expensive packages and have a lot of sales. If you have 100 people on the $10 plan, your commission is $70 per month.

The Difference Between Hybrid and Slab

To help you decide, let’s compare the two plans over the next 12 months. We’ll use a $10 plan that 27 people bought as an example. In one year, we’ll see which plan gave us the most money.

$30 x 27 = $80.

Now, each customer pays $10 per month, and 7% of that goes to you.

If you take 7% of $10, you get $0.70. If you get $0.70 per customer and you have 27 customers, you would get $18.90 per month in commission.

In the Slab plan, you would have made $2,700 at the end of the year, but in the Hybrid plan, you would have only made $980.10.

So, when is this a good idea?

If you have already stopped doing affiliate marketing, the Slab plan will no longer make you money. You will still make money with the Hybrid plan.

In your first year at Hybrid, you were paid $30 per customer plus 7% commission. If the same 27 customers stayed for ten years, you would have made $3,021, not just $2,700.

How do I get Cloudways out there?

As an affiliate marketer, you can promote the product in a number of ways. You can try out one or more at the same time to see which one works best for your market.


If you already have a YouTube channel, make videos to put on it. If not, making one is easy. Put up videos to get a following and build your reputation.

The more trustworthy you are, the more likely it is that people will buy from you.

Don’t forget to ask your subscribers or viewers to click on your affiliate link. Put the link to your Cloudways affiliate account in the description of your video.

Social Media

You can get people to follow you on social media and post useful information for your target market. Affiliate marketing works best on popular sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. You can make a Facebook page, and then you can start getting people to follow it.

If you have the money, you can put up ads that lead the people you want to reach to a “squeeze page.” You can get the customer’s email address on that squeeze page and send them to the Cloudways landing page.

You can’t put up ads that take customers straight to your affiliate’s landing page.


Start a blog and start adding posts to it. You can spread the word about this content in a number of ways. Affiliate marketing is a good way to save money because you can start a blog for free.

Blogs are also great if you want to see results over the long term. Once Google has ranked your blog, more and more people will visit it. The more traffic you have, the more sales you will make.


You can help other people in forums. You answer questions and make yourself more trustworthy. You can leave links on these forums, but make sure you don’t break their rules.

Most forums don’t like affiliate marketers, but if you offer something of value, you can get around this. You need to get them to watch your videos or read your blog posts.

They will find your affiliate link on these videos and blog posts. Don’t leave your affiliate link in forums, because you could get reported and banned.

What kinds of things can I make?

You can make many different kinds of content as an affiliate marketer. You need to try each one to see what your customers like best.


You can make tutorials for how to use a product or service. You can do this with a video or a blog. Tutorials are a great way to show what you know and are one of the best ways to build your credibility.


A listicle is a video or article that shows off products or services. For example, you can make a list of the “Top Ten Best Web Host Providers” and include Cloudways on that list.

It’s like writing a review in which you say why these are the best. In a list like this, you have to talk about the good things about Cloudways and try to get the reader to choose it over the other services.

In this list, you need to make sure that your affiliate link is in your posts. You also need a button that your reader or viewer can click to do something.

The affiliate link must be on this call to action button. If a site visitor or viewer clicks on the link, they will go to Cloudways’ landing page.


A review of a product is based on both opinions and facts. Product reviews are great for people who want to buy something but aren’t sure which one to buy. Make sure you don’t have any bias when you review a product.

People will see right through you if you try to sell something just to get a commission, which is not a good thing. Make sure that you include the good, the bad, and the ugly in your reviews.

Product reviews are a great way to get people to buy right away or at least go to the Cloudways website to see what’s on sale.

What kind of help do I get from Cloudways if I become an affiliate?

Affiliate marketers and the companies they promote do well when they work together. Because of this, Cloudways has a number of features and benefits that affiliate partners can use.

Affiliate Managers Who Are Dedicated

These are marketing experts who work hard to help you succeed with your marketing. They plan the marketing program and help you make the right content for your audience.

They also answer questions that you, as an affiliate marketer, might have, such as how payments are made, what the rules are, and what the law says.

Tools for Learning

Cloudways has a lot of tools that can help you learn how to be a good affiliate marketer. There are blogs, videos, and tutorials among these resources.

Besides these, you can also get graphic art and other marketing materials from Cloudways. You can also use banners and articles that have been shown to get people to click on content. Your conversion rate will go up as more people click on your articles.

Tracking in real time

If you go to our dashboard, you can find out right away how many clicks your campaign has gotten. You don’t have to wait for the week or month to end to find out how well you did or how much money you’re about to make.

Keeping tabs on performance

The dashboard lets you keep track of your performance and see which of your campaigns are working well. You can use this analysis to make smart business decisions.

You will be able to figure out which of your campaigns aren’t working and then change them to get more clicks and sales.



Cloudways has one of the best affiliate programs for web hosting companies. As an affiliate marketer, you can choose whether to get a one-time commission or a commission that keeps coming back.

Even if their customers pay them every month, many affiliate programs only pay a one-time commission. The rates of commission are also small, ranging from 10% to 30%.

You can get up to 500% commission with Cloudways. If a customer buys a $10 plan, and you are in the Slab plan, you still get at least $50!