Do you want to get rid of the “Powered by Shopify” label on your online store? If that’s the case, you’re in the right place. This blog post will tell you how to get rid of “Powered by Shopify” from your website in detail.

We’ll look at why getting rid of this message is so important and what you need to do to do it right. By following these simple steps, you can make sure that your online store looks professional and doesn’t have any outside logos. So let’s get started!

How To Get Rid Of Powered By Shopify From Your Online Store
How To Get Rid Of Powered By Shopify From Your Online Store

Why removing the “Powered by Shopify” label is a good idea

One of the easiest and most powerful things you can do to improve the branding of your online store is to remove the “Powered by Shopify” label. By getting rid of this label, you remove any mention of the Shopify platform on which you built your store. Instead, you take full credit for its design, look, and feel.

This can be a great way to show customers what you can do and dispel any doubts they may have about the quality of your store. It also makes it easier for customers to tell their friends about your store because they don’t have to remember which platform you use. It also shows potential customers that you care about your business and have put time and money into making your online store look great.

Getting rid of the “Powered by Shopify” label also makes it easier for search engines to find your store and rank it higher in search results. By not mentioning the platform you used to build your online store, search engines will find it easier to understand what your store is about and how it relates to different keywords. Also, it can help clear up any confusion about what platform you are using and make sure that customers only see your brand when they search for related topics.

Overall, removing the “Powered by Shopify” label from your online Shopify store makes sure that people see your brand first and foremost, not the platform you used to build it. This can help people trust your store more and make it show up more in search engine results.

How to Get Rid of the “Powered by Shopify” Label

Taking off the “Powered by Shopify” label from your online store is an important step to take if you want to strengthen the brand of your business. You have to take a few steps to get rid of this message and make sure that people who visit your website won’t see any external branding.

The first step is to go to your Shopify admin panel’s Themes section and learn about your Shopify Theme Store.

  • Understanding how the code for your Shopify theme is put together

Go to the page for your Shopify Theme Store and look for the theme you’re using. Then, click “Edit Code” to see your theme’s HTML and CSS. To get rid of the “Powered by Shopify” label, you must first understand how your Shopify theme’s code is set up.

The code for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is what makes up a Shopify theme. To get rid of the “Powered by Shopify” label, you will need to change the HTML code. If you click “edit code” and look at the HTML code, you will find the “Powered by Shopify” label in the footer of your theme.

  • Why it’s important to make a copy before making changes

Before you click “Edit Code,” make sure you’ve made a copy of your code. This way, if something goes wrong while you are removing the label, you will still have a working copy. Making backups is an important step for any change you make to your website, but it’s especially important when you change the way your Shopify theme’s code is structured.

  • The next step is to go to the Customize Theme section of your Shopify admin panel and remove the code that was used to show the “Powered by Shopify” message. To do this, click on the theme you’re using and then scroll down to the footer section.
  • You can either go to the “Powered by Shopify” box and delete the code block that has the label in it, or you can just press the space bar. If you press the space bar, the text will disappear and be replaced by a white box.
  • It’s also important to know that removing this label from your theme won’t get rid of it from other parts of your website. If the “Powered by Shopify” label appears anywhere else on your website, like in the footer or a sidebar widget, you will need to remove it by hand.
  • If you are using a custom theme or have changed the default theme in any way, you will also need to remove the “Powered by Shopify” message from that code. To do this, just look through the code for any mentions of “Powered by Shopify” and delete them. This can be tricky, so it’s best to use a text editor with syntax highlighting to make sure you get rid of all references to the message.
  • Also, if you have a “Opening Soon” page, you need to remove the “Powered by Shopify” label from this page. To do this, go to the Shopify HTML box and delete it from there, then click “save.” After you save your changes, the label won’t show up on this page anymore.

It’s important to test your changes after you make them to make sure you did everything right and that the label was removed. You can do this by going to different pages of your website and checking to see if the label “Powered by Shopify” is still there. If it is, you might have to go back and change what you changed.

Once you are sure that the label has been taken off, save your changes and make another backup of your website. This way, if something goes wrong with your site in the future, you can always go back to a stable version.

Once you have removed the “Powered by Shopify” label from your website, add your own branding to make it look more professional and give it a unique personal touch. Make a picture or logo that represents your business to do this. You can do this with a graphic design tool like Canva or Adobe Photoshop that you can use online.

Once you have made your logo, you can upload it to your Shopify theme and replace the “Powered by Shopify” label with your own branding. Before you upload the logo file to your website, make sure it is the right size and format.

By taking these steps, you can get rid of the “Powered by Shopify” label from your online store and make sure that when customers visit, they only see your brand.

With a little work, you can make sure that customers don’t worry about the platform your store is built on and only think about your brand. So take off the “Powered by Shopify” label today and remind customers why they should choose you!

Other Choices to Think About

Some business owners may not want to get rid of “Powered by Shopify” from their online stores, which is understandable. In situations like this, there are other ways to keep the branding without making it too obvious.

  • You could make a custom footer for your site as one option. You can do this with the help of different Shopify apps that let you change the way your footer looks. Adding a logo or image that represents your brand makes it stand out from the rest of your page.
  • Change the size and color of the “Powered by Shopify” text in the footer is another option. This will help make it less obvious and take the attention off of it.
  • Lastly, if you decide to get rid of “Powered by Shopify” completely, you might want to add a link that takes people to your “About Us” page or some other helpful page on your site. Customers can still find out more about your business this way.

No matter which option you choose, your customers need to know where their purchases are coming from and be able to connect to your store safely. You can do many things to make sure this happens, and removing “Powered by Shopify” is just one of them.

Questions That Are Often Asked

Here are some of the most common questions about how to get rid of the “Powered by Shopify” label from your website, along with the answers.

Does having the words “Powered by Shopify” on your Shopify store still help?

Yes, it does! Customers can see the label to be reminded that their information and purchases are safe on the Shopify platform. It also makes sure they don’t have any doubts about the platform your store is built on.

When I click “Edit Code,” where can I find the footer file to remove “Powered by Shopify”?

Most of the time, your Shopify theme’s snippets folder is where you’ll find the footer file. If you can’t find it, you can type “powered_by” into the search bar to look for it. Once you find it, take out the code line with the “Powered by Shopify” label.

How do I change the size and color of the text in the footer that says “Powered by Shopify”?

Most Shopify themes have a customization feature that lets you change the footer’s font size and color. You can find this in your Shopify dashboard by going to Themes > Customize.

How to get rid of “Powered by Shopify” from the Password Page?

Go to Themes > Customize in your Shopify dashboard and scroll down to the Password Page section to remove “Powered by Shopify” from the password page. Here, you can get rid of or change the text “Powered by Shopify” and put in your own logo.

When “Powered by Shopify” is taken off, will the password page change based on the theme?

No, removing the “Powered by Shopify” label won’t make the password page change based on the theme. But some themes may let you change the page by giving you access to certain customization options.


Last Words

Shopify has become one of the most popular ways for businesses to set up online stores. But the “Powered by Shopify” text that shows up at the bottom of every page is annoying to many users. It’s easy to get rid of this text, which will make your store look more professional.

You can get rid of “Powered by Shopify” from your online store by using any of the steps in this guide. Depending on how tech-savvy you are, you might be able to get rid of the text on your own, or you might need the help of a web developer.