Configuration of Global Product Settings
Configuration of Global Product Settings

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Estimated Time: 7 Minutes

Dropship Corporation comes with a set of default settings that you can use for all of the products in your store. To get started, click the “Stores” tab on your Dropship Corporation dashboard.

Review or change the default settings to change price markup, price cents value, compare-at price (percentage of wholesale markup), default weight units (pounds, kilograms, ounces, or grams), fixed weight details, and more. There are examples on the page that can help you check your sell margins quickly.

If you want to write and change all of the product descriptions on your website, you can use the drop-down menu for “default product description” to choose “empty,” “original,” “simplified,” or “custom.” In this section, you can change the settings for how visible the product is.

You can choose to show the product for sale as soon as you add it to your store, or you can hide the product until you manually change it to show on your store. This is a great way to plan ahead and get products ready for the holiday season.

When you set up an automatic order on AliExpress, you can put in your own phone number in the order section. This way, if there are any delays or problems with the order, the wholesaler can get in touch with you instead of your customer. In the custom note to supplier field, type “no invoice” to make sure the AliExpress seller doesn’t include the cost and shipping information in the package they send to your customer.

You can also give the supplier more detailed instructions, such as “This is a drop-shipping order; please don’t send the invoice with the product.” Do you want to only show products that can be delivered by ePacket? Check the box that’s shown. Once you’ve changed your settings, Dropship Corporation will use your member preferences for every AliExpress order it adds.