Website services come in many forms. A website service is anything that helps build a website, make it look better or work better, or connect it with other software. If you have an online store, you should hire someone else to do this job.

Today, I’ll show you some of the best people on Fiverr who offer services. These were carefully chosen by hand, and they all have something to do with e-commerce. In the end, I want you to go to these service providers’ websites and look at their profiles so you can decide who to hire.

Best Websites That Are Done For You
Best Websites That Are Done For You


Malik is a Level 2 seller who has gotten 67 reviews and 4.9 stars on average. This gig is about how to make your website fast, especially in Google’s eyes.

This is an important service. You might think that your website is quick because your browsers already have its cookies and it is in your cache. But when a user from somewhere else tries to access it, your site is slow, which Google doesn’t like.

Here’s what you can count on from Malik:

  • Google Page Speed Insights: He will figure out what Google thinks is wrong with the speed of your site.
  • Caching: He will put caching software on your website, which will make it load faster in other parts of the world.
  • HTML, JAVA, CSS, And Images: are just some of the file types that can get so big on websites. He will shrink them without hurting the quality of your site.
  • Upgrade Version Software: If your software, like WordPress or Shopify, is old, he will update it without hurting your website’s performance.

If you want, he can also do on-page SEO, but this is a different service. Prices for his service range from $40 to $120. More services will be given to you the more you pay.


This seller is an expert in not only how fast a page loads, but also in all other parts of on-page SEO. He is one of the best-rated sellers on the site, with a perfect score out of 403 reviews. With his on-page SEO service, your products will rank higher on Google and more people will see them.

Here are the things he does:

  • Keyword Research: He will look for the right keywords for you to use in your niche. You will get targeted keywords for the product title, page title, meta-description, H1, H2, and so much more.
  • Google Search Console â€“He will set up Google Search Console for you, and he will also set up Google Analytics for your website. This will need to be integrated, but you will be the one to look at how your traffic is doing regularly.
  • Indexability: He’ll figure out which of your pages have problems with indexability. He will tell you, for example, if a website is not made for mobile devices. You can fix it and make sure Google indexes that page from there.

Between $150 and $295 is what I charge for my SEO service. This is not an ordinary SEO service. This is only for website owners who mean business. Because the service is so complicated, the project will take 30 days to finish.


You should think about this service provider if you need someone to build your Shopify store. He has 141 reviews, and all of them are perfect.

These are the things he does for people:

  • Product Upload: After he builds your Shopify store, he will put your photos, texts, and product descriptions on it.
  • Payment Gateway: He’ll set up your payment gateway for you. You can choose whichever one you want, and you’ll need to give him your log-in information so he can set it up right.
  • Plug-Ins: If you want to use any plug-ins, he will set them up for you. You can pick from three to ten plug-ins. Keep in mind that these plug-ins cost money.

How many pages you want will determine how much it will cost to build the store. It costs between $15 and $50, and he will give you the finished store between 3 and 8 days after you pay.


This seller offers Klaviyo email automation as a service. He is the best-rated seller on Fiverr, with 244 reviews that all gave him perfect scores. He will connect your Shopify store to Klaviyo. This means that you should be using the Klaviyo system for sending emails automatically.

He will do the following for you:

  • Integration And Setting Up: He will connect the two pieces of software and make sure they work well together. This also includes setting up Klaviyo to work with third-party apps, if you use any.
  • Marketing Flows: He’ll set up the emails to be sent automatically for different reasons. For example, he can set up the email to notify him when a cart is abandoned, when a new subscriber signs up, or when a cross-sell is made. He won’t write the email for you. For that, you’ll need to hire a cheap copywriter.
  • Funnel Set-Up â€“ He can also set up a sales funnel for you if you want to use one. He will make campaigns for you that include opt-ins, advanced email flows, and custom campaigns.

His prices vary from $25 to $350. Between two and ten days, he will give birth. How long it takes to do a job depends on how hard it is. If you pay more, he will work on your email integration faster if you want.


DigiPanda can help you find products for your Shopify store if you need someone to do that for you. He has 691 reviews and a rating of 4.9 stars, which makes him a Level 2 seller. You can save time by asking him to do the research for you instead of doing it yourself.

Here are the things he does:

  • Product Trends: He will look for dropshipping products that aren’t being sold yet. So, you will be one of the few people to sell these products first.
  • Video Ads: He will make videos to promote the products he likes. He will also add professional photos and small pictures called thumbnails.
  • Vendor – He will tell you where you can buy the thing.
  • Ad Copy: He will also write the description of your product and the text for your text or video ads.

His act costs anywhere from $40 to $200. Within three days, all of the packages will be sent out. The main difference between his plans is how many items he will look for.


Shozef is another expert on Shopify who can help you set up your store. He can build your Shopify store from the ground up for you. He is a Level 1 seller right now, with 344 reviews and a 4.9 rating.

He will do the following for you:

  • Build Your Store. He will build your Shopify store from scratch and add his own ideas to the design. If you want, he can also customize the theme.
  • Product Uploads: He can also upload your products for you. You should already have the photos and a description of the product. Depending on the package you buy, he will upload a certain number of items.
  • Menu Options: He will make the groups and set up the drop-down options on your website.

Shozef will also add plug-ins, such as timers that count down. He can also put up several pages and do basic SEO for you if you need it. His service costs between $150 and $450, and it takes between three and seven days to finish.


Sunita can help you market your business on Facebook. She has 52 reviews, and all of them are perfect. Once you have an online store, your next goal is to get your products on the market.

Here’s what you can look forward to:

  • FB Analysis: She will look at how your Facebook business profile is set up right now. She will make plans for your marketing strategy from here.
  • Launch Posts: She will post content regularly, depending on what you agreed to.
  • Content Creation: She will make content for you; these are images that she will post.

She will also be in charge of keeping customers happy. Her service costs between $15 and $45 per hour. The time it takes to get her service to you is between 7 and 29 days. If you buy the package where she will market your business on Facebook for one month, she will do it in 29 days.

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It will take you a long time to build your own site. If it’s not your area of expertise, you might even mess up a lot. It costs money because it takes time and you make mistakes. You need to hire someone else to do this job so you can focus on your marketing.

These sellers have been tried and tested, so I recommend them. They are the best at what they do in their particular fields. Talk to them right away and find out what they can do for you. Talk about a price you’re willing to pay, and then focus on making more money instead of worrying about how your business works.