Choosing which country you want to dropship to is a key part of making your business work.

This is because each area has its own set of trends. Even if a product does well in one market, that doesn’t mean it won’t do badly in another.

This is why, before you start, you need to know which countries are the best to dropship to and which niches you should focus on to make the most money.

And luckily for you, we’ve made a list of 18 countries around the world where dropshippers can make a lot of money right now.

So let’s start right away!

United States

The United States being at the top of this list shouldn’t be a surprise.

For the first time, the U.S. eCommerce market was thought to be worth around $1 trillion.

On top of all that, the U.S. has a GDP per person of over $76k.

Overall, the U.S. eCommerce market is the holy grail for dropshippers because it is so big.

On a side note, if you’re wondering why China isn’t on this list, it’s because China is where most of the products come from.

United Kingdom

By 2022, the U.K. eCommerce market is expected to bring in close to $200 billion.

In the same way, the U.K. has a GDP per person of $46,200, which is also not a small amount.

In the U.K., there is a lot of competition in the dropshipping market.

And, just like in the U.S., most people there speak English, so you wouldn’t have to worry about language barriers.


By the end of 2022, it was thought that the Canadian eCommerce market would be worth around $66.9 billion, making it one of the largest in the world.

But it made this list because so many millennials shop there.

Millennials are known to buy things on the spot, and in Canada, 28% of online shoppers are millennials, which is good news for dropshippers.

And because Canada is also an English-speaking country, doing business there is easier.


At an estimated $27 billion, the Australian eCommerce market is right behind the Canadian one.

The market has also grown by 27% over time. Also, the number of people using social media is at an all-time high in Australia, with Facebook being the most popular site.

So, Facebook ad campaigns are the way to go if you want to open a dropshipping store there.

But if you want to reach out to younger people, Instagram will also work.

Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway, Sweden)

Now that we’ve talked about the big 4, let’s talk about the Scandinavian countries.

All three of these countries—Denmark, Norway, and Sweden—have good things going for them.

The reason these countries are so high on the list is because their people have a lot of money to spend.

The price is not a big deal in Scandinavia. If they want something, they will probably order it from the first ad they see.

The fact that they are used to paying high prices helps the dropshipping model.

To give you an idea, Norway has a GDP per person of $67.2k, which is even more than the U.S.


Japan’s eCommerce market is the third largest in the world, and it is expected to bring in $215 billion in 2022.

Most people don’t know that the country also has a very profitable dropshipping market, though.

Food, beauty products, and clothing are popular in Japan and are seen as safe choices.

People don’t often think of Japan for dropshipping because they don’t speak the language.

If you don’t know Japanese, it will be hard to get things done. But you could also think about hiring a VA to help you.

Even though, at the end of the day, Japan’s eCommerce market is huge and dropshipping has very little competition. So even a small investment can turn out to be very helpful.


Germany has the biggest economy in Europe and is second only to Russia in terms of population.

Germans are willing to spend a lot of money because they make a good living.

With a GDP per person of $45.7k, you can get an idea of how much Germans can spend.

Germany also has less competition than the UK and the US because there aren’t as many people who speak English there.

So, to sum it up, a large population plus a high GDP per person equals a lot of money for dropshippers.


France comes in at number seven on the list of the world’s biggest eCommerce markets, with an estimated value of $59 billion.

France’s growth rate is also 28%, which is the same as Australia’s growth rate of 27%.

To run a dropshipping store in France, however, language is the biggest problem.

The French love speaking their own language, so you’d have to hire a VA or learn it on your own.

But if you do want to open a dropshipping store in France, you should focus on the fashion niche.

People from this country have always been known for setting fashion trends, so this is a good way to make a lot of money.

South Korea

The value of the South Korean online shopping market is $80 billion.

Even though the South Korean eCommerce market is big, entrepreneurs are hesitant to join it, mostly because of language barriers.

Because of this, we think you should start with cosmetics if you want to take advantage of the potential of this market.

Skincare cosmetics are known to be one of the most popular and important types of products in the country.

And if you want to know how to market your store, buyers often prefer video ads, so TikTok dropshipping is the way to go.

New Zealand

New Zealanders are quickly making the switch to online shopping because they are getting more and more used to it every day.

This is shown by the fact that in Q1 2022 alone, people spent a total of $16.4 billion in stores and online. And the number keeps going up year after year.

Also, a lot of people in the country speak English, which makes it easier for dropshipping store owners to run their stores.

Lastly, fashion items are popular in New Zealand, just like they are in a few other countries. After all, who doesn’t like to look good?


With a size of about $22 billion, Italy’s eCommerce industry is the 14th largest in the world.

Also, the market is expected to grow by 5.58 percent by 2025. So you should probably start looking for warehouses in Italy.

But this is another country where it can be hard to communicate because people don’t speak the same language. You’ll have to get past the fact that 93% of the country’s people speak Italian.


Even though Singapore only has 5.7 million people, it has a huge B2C eCommerce market worth about $4.9 billion.

Singapore is also one of the easiest places to dropship, in case you didn’t know.

88.5% of the people in the country use the internet, which is a high percentage.

This is why it works so well for dropshippers in Singapore to run ads on social media sites.


With an estimated $23 billion in sales, Spain’s eCommerce industry is ranked 13th in the world.

But that’s not all. The market has grown by 35% over the years, which has made a big difference in the 29% growth rate around the world.

Spain has more than one way to pay, and many AliExpress sellers have a warehouse there, which makes dropshipping easy.

United Arab Emirates

Everything in the UAE is getting better, and the eCommerce industry is no different.

The UAE’s eCommerce market is expected to reach about $12.8 billion by the end of this year, with an annual growth rate of 10.4% from 2022 to 2025.

Covid-19 is the reason for this huge increase, in case you were wondering. But that’s not all!

Over 99% of the people in the UAE also use social media, so it will be easy for you to reach potential customers.

In any case, UAE is already known as one of the most popular places to visit in the world, and people there often buy things online.

Also, most people here can speak English, so dropshippers don’t have to worry as much about language barriers.


You probably didn’t see this coming, but Israel’s eCommerce market is growing, and when they shop online, they spend a lot!

Israel’s GDP per person is $43,6, which shows that people there don’t think too much before buying things online.

So, even though the country only has 9 million people, it makes this list because its people spend a lot of money.


With an estimated value of $22 billion, Brazil’s eCommerce market is the 15th largest in the world.

But dropshippers are not willing to invest in the Brazilian market, no matter how big it is.

That’s mostly because they’ve had trouble with shipping in the past. But since the country’s government has changed, things have gotten much better.

And by the end of 2022, 380 million online orders are expected to have been made in Brazil. This shows that people in this country are pretty open to buying things online.

Overall, the Brazilian dropshipping market can be a good way to make money if you can get past the shipping problems.


Poland is another European country that is now on this list.

Its eCommerce business is expected to reach $17 billion by 2022, which isn’t bad at all.

But Poland is a good place for dropshipping because 84% of the people here use the internet, and the number of people who shop online is expected to grow to more than 21 million by the year 2025.

So it wouldn’t be too much of an exaggeration to say that Polish people are easy to talk to online and like to shop online.

Because of this, Poland is definitely a good market for dropshippers if you can get past the language barrier.

And if you are looking for the best dropshipping companies in Europe, we can help!


The Malaysian eCommerce market is not yet fully developed, but it is expected to be worth $10 billion by 2022.

You might be wondering, though, why Malaysia is on this list. Well, that’s because more than half of the people there shop online.

So, dropshipping in Malaysia won’t make you rich right away, but it’s still a great place for both experts and newcomers to start.

FAQs about Best Dropshipping Countries

How to Decide if a Country is Good for Dropshipping?

To decide if a country is good for dropshipping, look at how big its eCommerce industry is and what platform its people use to place online orders.

For example, China has the biggest online shopping industry, but it’s not on this list.

That’s because everyone can easily get cheap products from China, so they’re not likely to buy the same thing from a dropshipping store where the price is higher.

Also, Russia wasn’t included because most dropshippers get their products from AliExpress, which is used by a lot of people.

So, these are the things you should think about before you choose a country to ship from.

Can I Dropship in Any Country I Want To?

But just because you can dropship in any country doesn’t mean you should.

First of all, people in each country would respond to your ads in different ways. This is because just because a product does well in one country doesn’t mean it will do well in the other.

In the same way, people in some countries may not be interested in online shopping in general. There’s nothing you can do about that, either.

How is GDP Per Capita of a Country Related to Dropshipping?

GDP, which stands for “gross domestic product,” is a way to measure how much money a country makes. Per person, on the other hand, just means each person.

So, in a nutshell, the GDP per capita is a way to measure how much money each person makes.

What does that have to do with dropshipping? Well, a higher GDP per person means that people are willing to spend their money more.

And since dropshipping depends on making a profit on each sale, it tends to do better in countries where people are more open about spending money.

What Makes a Country Good for Dropshipping?

If you’re still not sure what makes a country good for dropshipping, don’t worry because we’ve got you covered:

High GDP Per Capita

We’ve already talked about GDP per capita and why it’s important for dropshipping.

So, in a nutshell, the conversion rate is higher in countries with a higher GDP per person because more people spend money shopping online.

Eagerness to Purchase

You should try to sell in countries where people spend a lot and don’t think twice about buying something.

In short, stay away from places like Russia, where many people use AliExpress and can get better deals.

So, you should try to sell in countries where people don’t care too much about the price as long as they get what they want.

High Social Media Usage

Marketing on social media sites and running an online store go hand in hand. Because of this, social penetration is also a big part of deciding if a country is worth dropshipping to or not.

The more people use social media, the better, because it will be easier to talk to your audience.

Large Population

Even though it’s not as important, a large population is always a plus if everything else works out.

Targeting countries with a lot of people means that there will be more people who want to buy your product, which is always a good thing.

What Makes a Country Bad for Dropshipping?

How to figure out which countries you should not dropship from? Well, watch out for these warning signs:

Low GDP Per Capita

A low GDP per person means that each person makes less money.

This means that, in a roundabout way, you might not make as much money as you would have in another country.

So dropshipping is best avoided in countries with a low GDP per person.

Reluctance to Shop Online

Many people still don’t like the idea of shopping online. This could be because of bad experiences in the past or a fear of being scammed.

This is why you should always check how many people in a country feel comfortable shopping online before you start dropshipping.

Lack of Internet Exposure

Online stores only use social media and other similar platforms to market themselves.

If someone doesn’t use the internet, how will they know about your store in the first place?

Before you start dropshipping in a country, it’s important to think about how many people live there.

Access to Cheaper Products

You shouldn’t go after countries where cheap products are easy to get.

It makes sense, too, because why would you spend more money on something you can easily buy for less money?

Final Thoughts

The most important thing to do when starting a dropshipping store is to choose the right market.

We think this choice should be made even before the phase of looking for a product.

So, before you go any further, you should look at your budget and weigh the pros and cons of each country. Then, make a decision based on facts and figures.