A few years ago, Pinterest came along and gave the other big social media sites a good punch. Pinterest marketing is used by a lot of eCommerce businesses, especially small ones, because it tells a different story than the other social networks.

Strategies for Increasing Sales with Pinterest Ads 1
Strategies for Increasing Sales with Pinterest Ads

The “Pin it” button is the most interesting and unique thing about Pinterest. These pins have links and descriptions, and you can put them all on your own custom boards. Pinterest has no limits on how creative you can be. But at the same time, this is what makes it harder for digital marketers and eCommerce business owners to market on Pinterest.

Pins can be made by anyone with a Pinterest account. You can add pictures or links, add tags to the featured pins, or look for new ones. In the beginning, people who liked to collect and save beautiful images on their computers were the ones who used Pinterest the most. Pinterest was the obvious answer to the problem of all the pictures you save on your desktop. We were given the amazing chance to save thousands of images on virtual boards without taking up valuable space on our computers. Later, Pinterest became so popular that both small and large businesses started to try it out and see what it could do for them.

Today, Pinterest is seen as one of the best ways to promote a small business on social media. Everyone should look into Pinterest marketing and see how it can help them, especially in the eCommerce field.

How can I market my business on Pinterest?

Pinterest is an easy way to get the word out about your business. Let’s go over the most important things about using Pinterest for business. Don’t worry, we’ll show you how to do everything in a few easy steps.

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How can I market my business on Pinterest 2

Set up a Pinterest marketing strategy

First, you should make a Pinterest plan for your eCommerce business that includes all of the 5Cs of marketing strategy. Setting goals is the most important thing to do when making a strategy. Choose your goal: do you want to reach more people, get more people involved, or reach a specific goal? Being sure of what you want before you start a campaign could help your Pinterest presence. Don’t just try to get people to follow you, set a goal.

Be careful with what you do on Pinterest.

You shouldn’t fill the feed with junk. Don’t use too many pins, that’s not the right way. Do not pin too little, either, because that is also not the right way. So, what does Pinterest say about how many pins I should have each day? The number changes, but right now it’s between 10 and 12 per day. This is a step that could help you reach more people and get closer to new audiences. You should keep track of your data so you can learn more about the best time, the best content, etc.

Plan out how you will use your Pinterest boards.

Pick a specific goal instead of a broad one. If your plan doesn’t include content that is interesting or worth sharing, it is doomed to fail. If you want to look for them, you can find a lot of successful marketing campaigns on Pinterest. Don’t forget that your board should look neat and not like a mess. Set the right tone.

Holidays and anniversaries should be taken into account, so make sure to mark them on your board throughout the year. Plan ahead for every holiday, because if you don’t remind yourself, you’ll forget.

Why is it important for eCommerce to market on Pinterest?

Marketing on Pinterest lets you think outside the box. You can use Pinterest as your only marketing channel, but you can also promote your online store on other social media sites. You don’t have to only show your pins to people on Pinterest. This platform is flexible and can be used in many different ways. It lets you link your business account to your other social media accounts. So, you will get a lot more people to come to your boards. Assuming you understand Pinterest better now, you are almost ready to do well.

Let’s look at what makes Pinterest unique and why marketing on Pinterest is important for online stores.

The button to follow

There is a follow button on Pinterest. You can add that button to every post you make, and the number of people who follow you will grow as quickly as possible. If you have a website or blog, put the button on it so people can see that you have a Pinterest account. If they like your boards, they may also like the ones you’ve made.

The button “Pin it”

The “Pin it” button is legendary. If you add this button to your products, they will be shown on many boards. This means that if someone came to your site by clicking on one of your posts or a post about one of your products, they can pin it and talk to you that way. Those pins could make it easier and almost painless to figure out who your buyer persona is. Many online stores have this button on their pages.

The power of telling stories

Millennials are now in charge of making decisions. And they know more than the baby boomer generation. With the old tricks, it won’t be easy to get them. Millennials look at a lot of data, do research on the things they want to buy, and try to find a reason to buy something. The best way to give them a point is to use your visuals to tell a story.

Give your business a purpose, and make a campaign around it. So, you can reach out to new audiences and possible customers. Buying based on feelings is the new marketing trend that will be used as a strategy in the years to come, so keep telling stories and make them memorable.

Storytelling is the basis of many successful campaigns on Pinterest. People on Pinterest look to their pins for ideas, so help them find it. Almost three-quarters of the people who use Pinterest say that it helps them get through their daily lives.

A picture says a lot more than words.

Pinterest is fun because of the pictures, which are the basis of the whole social media site. Users can make up their own stories with the pictures. If you want more people to know about your business, try to inspire as many as you can. So, people will pin your posts and put them on their own boards.

Useful pictures and descriptions to get higher rankings

Pay attention to your keywords if you want search engines like Google or Bing to find you more easily. When setting up your keywords, look at how often people search for them and make sure they fit with your content. This will help your target audience find you. Search engines like Google crawl through your content and evaluate it. If your keywords are good and relevant, you will rank higher. This is a great way to get your products to rank higher for a certain keyword. When you pin your products to your boards, make sure to write detailed product descriptions that are full of keywords.

Putting up ads on Pinterest

According to the most recent reports, more than 60% of the brands or products that are shown on Pinterest were found through Pinterest ads. This number shows how important it is to use Pinterest ads as part of your Pinterest marketing plan. You have to pay to be seen.

Ads Manager and Pinterest can track data.

With Pinterest marketing, you can use Analytics to get information that could help your business rank higher on the platform. If you want to be successful, you need to keep track of these data, figure out the best ways to do things, and put them into action.

You can find a lot of information that you can use to improve your presence, just like on every other social media site. Pins with the most clicks, re-pins, and impressions are one of the most important KPIs on Pinterest. You can also find demographic information in the analytics section.

If you work as a digital marketer, you know that this much information would help you build a better marketing plan. I hope I’ve helped you learn more about Pinterest. If you’ve read all the tips above, you should feel more confident about starting a marketing campaign for your business on Pinterest. If you don’t feel good enough about yourself, read those tips again.

What can you do with Pinterest?

We talked about some of the most important things about Pinterest that make it a great way to promote your online store, but there are other benefits as well. Marketing on Pinterest could help your eCommerce business. If you haven’t used this social media site to promote your business before, now is the perfect time to make a plan.

Let’s go into more detail about why you shouldn’t overlook Pinterest as a way to market your online business.

  • You can stay competitive because all businesses, from small ones to big ones, use Pinterest. Most likely, your competitors are already using it. Do you want to fall behind them?
  • Helps you increase the number of people who buy your products. If your pins are found and your links are set up correctly, every pin can lead people to your products. This is where leads that could turn into buyers do so. The most recent reports show that the dropshipping industry is using Pinterest a lot to bring in more customers and make more sales.
  • SEO gets better. We’ve already talked about how search engines can help your business. Pinterest is a great way to improve your visibility on Google and other search engines, so use it!
  • Helps you build a brand story by giving you a chance to tell your story through pictures. It gives your brand a reason to exist, which you can use to get more customers. Tell your audience what you’re doing, and they’ll get to know your brand better. Make them feel like they belong.
  • Improves engagement – you can dive into your customer stories deeper. Pinterest will give you the chance to get to know your customers better, which is a good thing.
  • This social media site’s algorithm is different from those of Facebook and Instagram, but the content is timeless. When someone searches for your image and pins it, the image is refreshed, so it doesn’t get lost. If you post content that is useful and good, you will be set for life.
  • When people look through Pinterest, they are looking for visual ideas to help them reach their goals. If you can connect with the right people on the platform, you’ll do well.
  • Yes, it is free to use. Pinterest is different from other social media sites because it still has good organic reach. If you post quality and relevant content. So enjoy it while you can, because Pinterest will follow the trend and cut back on organic reach.
  • If you have an online store, you might want to use Pinterest to promote your products. The platform makes it easier to buy things online, so if you’re looking for a picture of your favourite dress, it’s likely that the picture will have a link to the online store where you can buy the dress.

It is still a new social media site with a lot of room for improvement, but if you know how to use it, it can be helpful. You could use it for all parts of your Pinterest marketing strategy, from getting people to know your brand to getting them to buy something.

How does business on Pinterest work?

In the last few years, Pinterest has been the source of a lot of successful eCommerce stories. The most benefit went to online stores that sell trendy items. The right way to show off your products visually helps the customer decide.

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How can I market my business on Pinterest

On Pinterest, it is known that business-to-consumer models do better than business-to-business models. But if you have a B2B eCommerce business, this is no reason to give up. You can still market your business.

We’ll look more closely at the statistics, and we’ll find out what kind of people use Pinterest in 2023.

As expected, Pinterest is run by women. Women make up almost three-quarters of the users. Even so, the number of men seems to be growing. Multiple reports show that 50% of the new Pinterest users in 2023 will be men.

If you want to reach a certain group of people on Pinterest, read on. We’ve put together a few groups that you can definitely reach through this social media site.

  • More than half of the people who use it have children who were born after 2015.
  • Millennials: As we’ve already said, Millennials use Pinterest to do research and find ideas and motivation.
  • Pinterest users are mostly women. Two-thirds of women born between 1965 and 1995 use Pinterest. Pinterest users are middle-class, which means they have money to spend. The most recent report showed that half of the users make more than $100,000 a year. If you own an eCommerce business, this is very important information.
  • The most recent numbers show how you can use Pinterest for online shopping. The best way to advertise on this social media site is through promoted pins. If you target the right people, your online sales are sure to go up. I mean, half of the people who use Pinterest make more than $100,000 a year, so what else do you need?

Using Pinterest’s Ads Manager, you can set different campaign goals, such as brand awareness, reach, traffic, conversions, and so on. You can use a daily budget or a total budget, just like with Facebook Ads. There are many options for placement, so you can check them out yourself.

We hope this article helps you learn more about Pinterest and what it can do for you. The next thing on us is to wish you luck with your Pinterest efforts.