If you own a Shopify store, you may have realized that the name doesn’t fit your business or brand anymore. Changing the name of your store is a must if you want to keep your brand identity fresh and up-to-date. But changing the name of your Shopify store can be hard, especially if you are just getting started with the platform. This article will show you how to change the name of your Shopify store.

How To Change The Name Of Your Shopify Store
How To Change The Name Of Your Shopify Store

Why Should You Change Your Shopify Store’s Name?

When you run an online store, it’s important to have a name that people will remember. A good store name helps build your brand, tells potential customers what you sell, and sets you apart from your competitors. Because of this, many Shopify store owners change their names over time to make their business more visible and to give their brand a clearer name.

There are many reasons to change the name of your Shopify store, like the ones below:

  • To better show what you’re selling
  • To make your store stand out from the competition
  • To make your brand more well-known and visible
  • To have a name that people are more likely to remember
  • To make your store look new

How to Change the Name of Your Shopify Store, Step by Step

If the name of your online store no longer fits your brand, it might be time to change it. Changing the name of a Shopify store can take time, but it’s easy to do. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you make sure you do everything right and get your new shop up and running quickly.

Go to your Shopify account and sign in.

Sign in to your Shopify account to start the process of changing your name. The Shopify dashboard is where you can make the changes you need.

Navigate to Settings

Once you’re logged in to your Shopify admin site, go to the bottom left corner of the page and click the Settings link. Here is where you can change everything.

Click on Store Information.

Click “Store Details” in the “Settings” tab to get to the page where you can change your store name.

Enter the name of your new store.

The next step is to type in the name you want for your new store. This is the name your customers should see when they think of your store.

Verify the Changes You Made

After you’ve changed the name of your store, click “Save.” This will make sure that everyone who visits your online store in the future sees the new name.

Change the name of your business everywhere.

Once you’ve changed the name of your store, change the primary domain everywhere else. This includes your Shopify store’s URL, any social media accounts, and other marketing materials related to your store.

Changing the name of your Shopify store is easy if you follow these steps. It’s important to know that changing a business’s name can affect how visible it is online. If you change the name of your store, make sure to update all of your other accounts and marketing materials.

For your business to be successful in the long run, it needs a name that is consistent and up-to-date. Take the steps needed to build a strong brand identity.

How to Change the Name of Your Shopify Store

If you want to change the name of your Shopify store, you should read these tips to make sure everything goes well.

  • When you change the name of your Shopify store, choose a name that is catchy and easy to remember: Customers will think of your store name when they hear about your business, so it will help to stand out if it is interesting and unique.
  • Change your Shopify domain name: You can change your store’s URL or custom domain name through Shopify or a third-party provider. If you are using a third-party provider, you will need to change the DNS settings for the change to take effect.
  • Tell customers about changes to the store: Tell your customers when you change the name and URL of your Shopify store. You can do this by sending an email, posting a message on social media, or changing the About Us page on your website.
  • Update any other accounts that are linked to the old store name and domain, like Google Ads, Amazon listings, and eBay listings.
  • Make a new logo: Now is the perfect time to make a new logo for your store. Customers will remember your business better if it has a logo, so make sure it’s something you’re proud of.
  • SEO: Change your SEO to match the new name of your store. This means making changes to your website’s keywords, meta descriptions, and other settings that are important.
  • Keep track of analytics: Once everything has been changed, keep an eye on how the changes affect the name and performance of your Shopify store. After you make the changes, pay close attention to how engaged your customers are and how many people visit your site to make sure you’re getting the results you want.

With these steps, you can easily switch to a new name for your Shopify store. If you’re ready for the change, customers will still be able to find and recognize your store.

Questions People Usually Ask

People often ask the following questions about how to change the name of their Shopify store.

Can I change the URL of my Shopify store after it’s been set up?

Yes, you can change your Shopify store’s primary domain after you’ve published it. But keep in mind that your customers may be used to your old store name and custom domain and may have trouble getting to your new site.

Can URL redirects help make the change easier?

Setting up redirects from your old URL to your new domain is a great way to help customers get used to the change. This makes sure that if a customer types in or clicks on the old URL, they will be taken to the new domain automatically.

If I change my store’s name, does that affect the store’s currency?

No, even if you change the name of your Shopify store, the currency it uses won’t change. But it’s important to remember that if a customer sees a different Shopify store name than what they’re used to, they may need more information or be confused. So, think about this when you decide whether or not to make a change like this.

What happens to my SEO if I change the name of my store?

If you change the name of your Shopify store, it won’t make much of a difference for SEO. Even though it may take some time for search engine algorithms to fully re-index your site with its new URL or name, it shouldn’t have much of an effect on your rankings in the long run as long as you still optimize all of your content for search engines.

Does it matter if I change the name of my store?

Yes, if you change the name of your current store, the analytics will change as well. This is because any data you tracked before under the old URL or store name won’t be available for reporting. If you make a change like this, you may need to reset and start tracking from scratch.

Can I make more than one change to the name of my store?

Yes, you can change the name of your Shopify store whenever you want. But it’s important to keep in mind that this could make any analytics or SEO work harder, so do it carefully and make sure you know what could happen.

Can the Shopify app be used to change the name of a Shopify store?

Yes, you can change the name of your Shopify store using a third-party app and the Shopify backend. There are several apps that make this easy to do without having to change any code or settings by hand.



Changing the name of your Shopify store is pretty easy, and you can do it even after you’ve made it public. But you might want to set up redirects from the old URL to the new one so that customers don’t get confused or turn away because of the change. Also, remember that even if you change the name of your store, the currency will stay the same.

If you follow these steps, you should be able to change the name of your Shopify store without any trouble. Best of luck!