Most business owners haven’t spent a lot of time getting better at writing copy. You probably have other things to do as well.
Copywriting skills, on the other hand, can get more people to click, sign up, or buy. The copy for a product can help people imagine what it would be like to own it. They can see how it will help them solve a problem or make their lives better.

What should a good piece of copy look like? What should you do when you write for possible clients? In this guide, we’ll show you how to write any kind of text and give you copywriting tips for your eCommerce store. It’s all about writing words that give you something in return.
What is writing copy?
Copywriting is all the writing you do to promote your brand or product. The components include your ads, your homepage, product page, about page, and email sequences. Getting people to use their credit cards and, in the end, spend money with you is all about building trust.
Bad writing could make your dropshipping store fail. Depending on how you say something, you could get someone to trust you or make them think you are trying to trick them. Depending on how you say things about your brand, people could either believe you or not.
With eCommerce copywriting, you can show how great your products are and also help search engines rank your online store higher. You have to be a good communicator, be able to persuade people with words, market the voice of your brand, and know what makes people buy.
Copywriting Can Be Used
No matter where you put it, you should always have copy on your most-viewed pages. There are:
- Homepage: You can never make up for a bad first impression. Users won’t leave your site if your copy tells them what you sell and what makes it different.
- What the products are: Why should you buy the product? The words you use to describe a product should make people feel like they own, touch, or use it.
- People who come to your website often want to find a solution to a problem, but they aren’t sure which product will help. You can give short descriptions of each product and talk about how they are grouped on the page.
- About page: More than half of people who visit a website want to learn more about the company that runs it. People will fall in love with your brand because of the copy on your About page.
- Meta titles and page descriptions: This bit of text shows up on the page where search engines list the results of a search. Copy is the only way to change someone’s mind because there are no pictures or videos. Your SEO copywriting could be the reason why a potential customer clicks on one of your competitors’ sites instead of yours.
- Emails: An email marketing campaign that focuses on the customer should include promotions, campaigns for carts that have been left empty, and confirmations of purchases. You can get them to leave their inbox and go to your website with a call to action.
- People spend almost two and a half hours a day on social media. If you pay attention to the text in your social media posts, you can steer people away from social media and towards your eCommerce store.
- Direct mail: Use leaflets and postcards to get the word out about your brick-and-mortar store.
- No matter if it’s a Google Ad, a Facebook campaign, or a billboard, advertising is really about the place where copy and creativity meet. Combine images that grab people’s attention with copy that makes them want to stay long enough to persuade them to buy.
- How to get ready to write copy
- Before you start writing the copy, you need to know a few important things:
Identify Your Target Audience
No marketing campaign has ever been a success if the buyer persona wasn’t well understood.

Make sure you know everything about your potential customers, like their age, gender, interests, what drives them to buy, and what makes them upset, as well as the features and benefits of your product that will appeal to them.
All of this information will help you increase sales on the product and landing pages of your store.
Look into Keywords
Your page needs to be optimised for search engines so that it can be found by the people you want to reach. When you do SEO, you should choose keywords that are related to what you’re selling and match what your customers are looking for.
The keywords will be in the page’s title, description, headline, product description, and image tags.
Copywriting tips to get more people to buy from your website
Here are some smart copywriting tips that will help you get more people to buy from your website. Please make sure:
Know how your audience thinks and feels.
The first step in copywriting is to understand how your audience thinks. It’s important to know what your target audience likes, dislikes, wants, and needs.
Find out what will make them buy your product or service. You can only change people’s minds if they understand and agree with what you write.
Social media networks are a great way to figure out what kind of person your audience is. Tracking what your audience does on different social media channels will give you a good idea of who they are.
Once you know this, it will be easy to put it into your writing. It will make your content more personal and also make people more likely to do what you want them to do.
You can’t do well as a writer if you don’t understand how people think. Even if you’re not a great writer, if you know a lot about how people think and feel, your writing will be very effective.
Pay attention to your tone
Just like with any other part of marketing and branding, you should keep your tone in mind when writing your copy. When you make your marketing plan, you should think about what you are selling to them and how you can best meet their needs.
Think about these other rules as you develop your tone:
- People who work in technical or education-related fields will need to know how and what their products do. When writing for this, don’t use language that is too flowery or not necessary.
- Being lively, stylish, and reliable can set a tone that isn’t liked by everyone and makes you stand out. It will depend on what field you are in, of course.
- Use your blog to teach and entertain your readers. Try putting a little of yourself into what you write, unless your article is just a list of facts.
- Your words should include as many people as possible. Even if you think your audience will understand, don’t use jargon, slang, or references that they won’t know. If you can’t get rid of them, try to explain what they mean in the text.
Keep a positive or neutral tone. Too much bad news in your writing can turn people off. By using the right metaphors in your product copy, you can get people excited about your product with just one word. This will make the audience excited about what the product can do.
Be clear about what your product can do for people.
The main purpose of copy is to teach. Your copy should talk about the benefits of your product. This can be done by pointing out a problem that your customer might have and explaining how your product can solve it.
In your copy, you don’t want a bunch of empty words that take up a whole paragraph to bore your customers. It’s one thing to have a great product, but it’s another to make it happen. The second part is why.
By comparing your product to those of your competitors, you can get a clear picture of the costs and benefits. Customers will probably compare the specs of different products on their own, so if you can do that for them, they will be very grateful.
Just make sure your information is correct to avoid any possible liability. Customers will buy your product in droves if it’s better where it matters.
Write copy that is easy to read.
One of the best ways to turn off a potential customer to your product for good is to make your copy too long and hard to read. This includes a larger vocabulary than most people are used to, as well as sentences that are too long and ideas that don’t make sense.
People only have a short amount of time to look at your products and store. They shouldn’t have to waste time or work too hard to figure out what you’re selling.
You can make your writing easier to understand by taking these steps:
- Don’t tell personal stories
- Be careful not to say the same thing twice.
- Set up your vocabulary and use your words well.
- Find out about the best ways to use SEO.
- Your writing should be easy to understand without being patronising.
- Remember that you’re not writing a book when you’re writing good copy. Even if your story is interesting, you may not want to write (or read) a long, complicated epic. Because of all of this, we know that an eCommerce store is a retailer’s pride and joy, and we want you to show that in your copy.
Full list of what it can do
It’s important to tell people about your story and what makes your products special, but don’t forget to show how they can be used.
As an expert in marketing, you need to make sure that your customers can get the information they need. Give details about what your products are and how they work that can be seen quickly and easily. Make sure that everything on the list is easy to get to.
That is, make sure you don’t have to click on too many links to get to it, and don’t put too much fancy text or formatting around it.
When you give a detailed list of pictures and specs, make sure you know what those exact numbers mean. This is important for both the customer and the seller. The customer needs to be able to compare your product to those of your competitors, and you need to be able to organise your stock well.
Infographics are great for showing a lot of information. Invest in a graphic designer who can make infographics that look good.
Use keywords in your writing.
Even though most of the copy you write should be for real customers, you also need to write for search engines. As you make pages, you have the chance to target specific keywords that will bring in free traffic and raise your Google ranking.
Simple keyword research can be done with Google Ads Keyword Planner and other tools. Your eCommerce website might also get more visitors from search engines if you have a content marketing plan, like a blog.
Bullet Points
A paragraph full of text can be scary for people who just want to buy sneakers. Make your copy into bullet points to make it easier to read and scan. This is especially helpful if you want to draw attention to a lot of details about a product.
Here are some good things about bullet points:
By putting ideas in buckets, you can cut down on text that repeats itself.
You’ll give your page more white space and breathing room, which will make it look better.
Large blocks of text that take up the whole screen are harder for people to read on a phone.
Talk about a story
For a store page to work, it needs to make visitors feel something. Emotions, not just facts and figures about your product, affect how people act and what they decide to buy. Use stories and narrative essays to make your customers feel the way you want them to.
A short story about your product is more likely to make a customer care about it. If you ask them to think of it as a friend who helps them feel better every day, they will feel like they need it right now.
How can you tell the best story about your product?
Think about what drove the people who made it.
Tell how this thing was made.
Think about your buyer persona again. What emotional needs do they have, and how can you show how your product can meet those needs?
If someone else is writing your product descriptions, make sure they are a part of the process so they know everything there is to know about your target audience. You should tell stories that make people want to buy from your website instead of leaving it.
Answer questions asked by customers
When writing product page copy, the most obvious but often forgotten tip for copywriters is to answer customers’ questions. If you still have questions after reading a product description, it didn’t do its job.
Make a list of all the questions that could be asked about your product (this is where its features take centre stage), and then answer those questions in your text. That way, you will not only give customers all the information they need, but you will also show that you understand their problems and needs.
There should also be thought given to chatbots. Choose a good one to put on the homepage of your online store so that it can answer questions from customers. If you have the resources, you might want to add a live chat feature so that people who visit your site can talk to a real person who can help them make the right choice.
Make a strong call to action.
With your call to action, you need to tell people what to do on your site. Many websites didn’t tell people what to do after they read the content, so people didn’t know what to do.
Your website should have a clear call to action, and the copy should be convincing without being pushy.
The “submit,” “continue,” and “next” words on the CTA buttons don’t mean anything. Don’t use those hard-to-understand words in the text of your call to action button.
From the text on your CTA button, your audience should be able to figure out what will happen if they click on it.

Copy that gets people interested and makes them want to visit your shop is a great way to get their attention. By telling a fun and informative story about your business or product, you can connect with your audience on a human level and keep them coming back to your site.
Poor writing, on the other hand, can make your company look bad, bore potential customers and clients, and hurt sales. So, writing copy doesn’t have to be scary. It can even help your business in a fun way if you do it right. No matter what you’re writing, make sure you never copy someone else’s work.
If you follow a few simple tips, you’ll soon be a copywriting pro who can attract a large audience and compete with other businesses in search engines.