To successfully implement a dropshipping strategy, you may need to take into account several factors. Obviously, the first step is to come up with something to sell. The second is to set up shop in cyberspace. The final step is to sign up for a dropshipping programme and open a store on Shopify or another e-commerce platform. This article delves into the topic of dropshipping on Walmart. Let’s get started by addressing a few questions:

Detailed Instructions for Dropshipping on Walmart 1

While Amazon and eBay are where most dropshippers cut their teeth, you may find great success with Walmart. Fast market expansion has led to $35.86 billion in sales for Walmart in the past year. More importantly, Walmart accounted for 6.7% of all e-commerce sales in the United States. Thus, 7.1% of all US e-commerce sales are projected to come from Walmart this year. These numbers demonstrate the potential for substantial profits from dropshipping on Walmart. But first, let’s figure out if dropshipping is possible.

Is Walmart a Dropshipping Option?

Is Walmart a dropshipping option for you? A quick yes is appropriate. You can dropship from Walmart in three distinct ways: as a Walmart dropship vendor, as a Walmart reseller, or directly from Walmart themselves. Consider each of these separately.

Sign up as a Dropship Vendor

The first way to dropship on Walmart Marketplace is to sign up as a dropship vendor. This is possible through a programme that lets entrepreneurs become the company’s supplier. You can make or sell goods for Walmart as a manufacturer or wholesaler. You can ship products to Walmart warehouses, or you can use its dropship vendor programme to send products straight to customers.

Sell things from Walmart

You can also sell Walmart products if you dropship from Walmart, which means you can be a Walmart reseller. But before you do that, make sure you have the reseller permission, which is kind of like a business licence. If you want to sell Walmart items, you have to buy them and have them shipped to you. After that, you can send the products to your customers. Compared to the usual dropshipping business, this one is a little different.

Use the Walmart platform to dropship

Detailed Instructions for Dropshipping on Walmart 3
Detailed Instructions for Dropshipping on Walmart

The last way is to use dropshipping suppliers from AliExpress to sell items directly to Walmart customers. Even though you couldn’t send products directly to your customers from Walmart, you could do dropshipping on the Walmart marketplace.

Why Dropship at Walmart?

E-commerce entrepreneurs can benefit a lot from Walmart. With Walmart, you can access a well-known and reliable ecosystem with high-quality products, fast delivery, and great customer service.

Here are some of the best things about dropshipping on Walmart:

  • Walmart doesn’t have to charge fees for opening stores or registering sales on its platform, so it keeps costs down. You only have to pay the referral fee when someone buys something from you.
  • Fast shipping: Walmart’s logistics partners can ship items to customers right away, and customers can choose to have them delivered the next day if they want. The more satisfied your customers are, the more likely they are to buy from you again.
  • Multiple types of products: Walmart sells more than 35 different types of products. Make sure your product isn’t on the company’s list of “prohibited products,” and you’re good to go.
  • With Walmart dropshipping, you don’t have to worry about setting up stores and brands, so you can focus on growing your business.
dropship corporation 37

Dropshipping from Walmart: The Step-by-Step Guide

You now know why dropshipping on Walmart is a good idea. Let’s now look at how to dropship on Walmart.

Find people who will sell your products.

Suppliers are important to your dropshipping business because they will be the ones to fill the orders. Having reliable suppliers is always half the battle when it comes to selling online. So, the first step is to find someone to sell your goods.

You can find dropshipping suppliers for all kinds of products on platforms like AliExpress. AliExpress is a powerful site where you can find suppliers for women’s clothes, jewellery, home and garden, toys and games, and many other things.

Also, dropshipping tools like Dropship Corporation can help you find suppliers to work with. With a few clicks, you can use its Supplier finder feature to find better and cheaper suppliers on AliExpress. Go here to learn more about how Dropship Corporation can help you find reliable suppliers.

When choosing which suppliers to work with, you should look at how well they treat their customers and how much they know about the products they sell. You should look for sellers with a high satisfaction rating or who have been selling on the platform for a long time. Also, it’s better to write them to get a sample so you can judge the quality of the goods you’re going to dropship.

Sign up so you can sell on Walmart

Step 2 is to sign up to sell at Walmart. I already told you that with Walmart, you don’t need to start an online store. But if you want to dropship on Walmart, you have to sign up on Walmart.

You can start your application on the “Walmart Marketplace” page. First, click the button that says “Request to Sell” to get started.

request to sell page
Then, a form will appear. You need to put the following information on the form:

  • Your business’s tax ID number (SSNs aren’t needed for this market)
  • The official U.S. documents for application processing are a W8 or W9 and an EIN verification letter.
  • Address, place of business, or country where it is run
  • Integration methods like API are planned for the directory.
  • Basic types of products, such as catalogue size,………….
  • Information

Finish getting started

Once your application is approved, Walmart will send you an email with a link to sign up. If you click on the link, it will take you to the process of getting started. Here are the things you need to do to finish the process of getting on board:

  • First, you need to sign up for an account by giving information about your company, business address, and bank account.
  • Then, sign Walmart’s agreement to keep you on.
  • Complete tax forms
  • Fill out the shipping and payment details. Walmart offers two ways to pay for things: Payoneer and Hyperwallet
  • Then you can add items and upload stock.
  • Last, you should fill out the Walmart Partner Profile completely. It has all the information that potential customers will see, like the name, description, logo, and rules of your business.
  • When you’re done with this, the application process is over. The next step is to figure out how you will fill the order when you get it.

Fulfill Orders

The last thing to do is decide how it will be sent. There is a programme for 2-day shipping that helps Walmart sellers improve their customers’ experiences.

But since the delivery time can vary when dropshipping on Walmart, this might not be an advantage. If you don’t work with a US supplier who can ship quickly all over the country, it’s best to stick with standard shipping.

You can also fill orders through a service called Deliverr. Deliverr is the official partner for Walmart’s TwoDay fulfilment programme, and it guarantees fast delivery.

It will get the products from your suppliers and keep them close to your customers. Then you can ship quickly to customers all over the country.

AliExpress Dropshipping Is a Good Tip for Dropshippers

As I said above, there are some problems with dropshipping on Walmart. First of all, there are a lot of competitors because Walmart has a lot of sellers. So, if you want people to stick with you, you need to be different from them.

Also, if you dropship on Walmart, you have to follow certain pricing rules because Walmart always wants to give its customers the best deal possible. In reality, the problems that first-time entrepreneurs and small businesses face can be made up for by a large customer base and low management fees.

I have to talk about AliExpress here. Why? It’s a trusted marketplace with millions of better and cheaper sellers or suppliers. So, dropshipping on AliExpress might make up for some of the problems you might run into when dropshipping on Walmart.

The AliExpress website

Detailed Instructions for Dropshipping on Walmart 2

Here are some of the most important benefits of dropshipping on AliExpress:

Excellent shipping: AliExpress dropshipping lets you ship items with free and fast ePacket shipping.
Fixed price: The prices of items on AliExpress are set, and they are usually low.
Multiple payment options: You can pay with Mastercard, web money, American Express, PayPal, and other methods.
Powerful dropshipping tools: AliExpress gives you many simple but useful dropshipping tools, like Dropship Corporation to automate your dropshipping work.
No money up front: You don’t have to pay for the products you want to dropship before you send them out. If you have an order, you may need to buy it.
If you’re new to this market, AliExpress dropshipping can make it easier to get started, and it can also help you run a dropshipping business for less money.


After learning, you might realise that dropshipping from Walmart can be a good way to make more money for your online dropshipping business. During the last year’s pandemic, Walmart’s online sales grew by 74%. And the numbers are likely to go up even more as Walmart takes new steps to help its online business.

Whether you are new to e-commerce or have been doing it for a while, Wal-Mart dropshipping can help you quickly get the exposure you need. And here are 4 easy steps to start dropshipping on the Walmart marketplace:

Choose suppliers for the products you want to dropship.
You must sign up to sell on Walmart.
Complete the seller onboarding process and fill customer orders.
What do you think about Walmart dropshipping now that you’ve read the post? If you have a great idea for a business, don’t wait to start it. You can start making money right away.